Friday, May 4, 2018

Sheila Boehm runs for WL City Council

UPDATE -  Full Weekend Advisor article  regarding Sheila Boehm’s  announcement  here

Original Post:

In today's Weekend Advisor - Sheila Boehm who is currently serving her 2nd term as the School District #27 Zone 5 Trustee (WL Fringe) has announced that she will seek election to Williams Lake City Council this October

In explaining her reasons why she won't seek re-election to the SD27 Board of Education but to Williams Lake City Council instead, she stated that she was ready for new challenges and to work with a new set of people.  Her motive to seek election to WL City Council is To Be of Service

She does not, at this point, outline what her campaign platform goals will be but I expect that will come as we get closer to the fall

At this point -- only incumbent Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb and incumbent Williams Lake City Councillor Craig Smith both confirming that they will seek re-election this October while Williams Lake City Councillors Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias have confirmed that they will not seek re-election this October.  Williams Lake City Councillors Ivan Bonnell, Scott Nelson and Jason Ryll have yet to publicly announce their re-election plans to WL City Council this October. No others, at this point, have publicly announced a bid for Williams Lake City Council in the October 20th City of Williams Lake Local General Election

Local Government Elections to elect new School Trustees, Electoral Area Directors (Regional District - Rural Areas), Councillors and Mayors' for the 2018-22 term will take place on Saturday, October 20th, 2018 throughout BC


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