Tuesday, May 8, 2018

Williams Lake and Area Wildfire Information Expo and Free Family BBQ

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

Join neighbours, colleagues and friends at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex on Wednesday, May 30 for a Wildfire Information Expo and Free Family BBQ.

The City of Williams Lake, Cariboo Regional District and the Ministry of Forests, Land, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development cordially invite all residents to attend a Wildfire Information Expo at the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex on Wednesday, May 30. The event runs from 3 pm -7 pm, with a free community BBQ from 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm. In addition, a number of informational talks will be offered throughout the day in the Gibraltar Room (times and topics to be confirmed).

The event will recognize the outstanding efforts of Williams Lake and area citizens during the 2017 wildfire season. "The thing that still stands out for me is that everyone came together and got themselves out of town in an orderly fashion," says Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb. "It is something I feel really proud about - it really showed the character of the people who call the Williams Lake area home. This event is a thank you to everyone who simply stepped up for the community and did what needed to be done."

"If there ever was something to celebrate, it is how our communities pulled together during the wildfires last summer and supported each other through our recovery. We hope you join this event to celebrate our resiliency and honour everyone who contributed or stepped up throughout the emergency response in a variety of ways," adds Cariboo Regional District Chair Margo Wagner.

The Ministry of Forests, Land, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development will host a number of information tables to address topics such as fuel reduction and management plans in and near our communities; reducing potential impacts of wildfire on home and property; post-wildfire rehabilitation processes; potential post-wildfire hazards on the landscape, and wildlife management after a wildfire.

The event is also aimed at addressing community mental health and well-being concerns, and providing recovery information and updates. Health and wellness agencies like the Canadian Red Cross, Emergency Social Services and the Canadian Mental Health Association will be in attendance to answer questions and provide links to services in the community, with a focus on mental health and well-being.

Individuals and families are welcome to drop by the Cariboo Memorial Complex between 3:00 pm -7:00 pm on Wednesday, May 30, visit the Expo and enjoy a BBQ with their friends and neighbours.

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