Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll, C. Smith, L. Walters and S. Zacharias
Meeting called to order at 6:00pm
Meeting Agenda, with the late items, adopted
Minutes of the Special Meeting of WL Council held May 14, 2018 and the Regular Meeting of WL Council held May 15, 2018 were both received/adopted
1) Mayor Cobb presented a 'Certificate of Merit' Award to Mr. Rex Moon
2) Les Husband, Fire Centre Manager, Prince George Fire Centre, BC Wildfire Service appeared before Council to discuss the Abbott/Chapman Provincial Wildfire/Flood Response Report entitled "Addressing the New Normal: 21st Century Disaster Management in BC'
A Question/Answer period ensued
The Mayor thanked Mr. Husband for his time/information
1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque listings dated May 10, 17 and 24, 2018
2) Council adopted Central Cariboo Joint Committee recommendations from its' April 25th meeting as follows:
a) That Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #05-2018 regarding the Cariboo Regional District partnering with the Bull Mountain Ski Club to submit a Special Circumstances grant application to the Rural Divident Fund for a maintenance shed be received, and the City of Williams Lake provide a letter of support for their application
b) That Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Report #04-2018 be received and the City of Williams Lake and Cariboo Regional District go on record as being in support of Enbridge undertaking equipment enhancements and a compressor replacement at Compressor Station 6A near 150 Mile House.
3) Council received/approved the 2017 Statement of Financial Information (SOFI) report for submission to the Province
4) Council agreed to support the resolution of the Council for the City of Langley and request the Province of BC to exempt local governments, regional districts and school boards from the imposition of the EHT to lessen the financial burden on local taxpayers, especially those that are on fixed incomes and further that correspondence to that effect be sent to the Province of BC.
5) Council awarded the engineering, supply and installation of a stand-by generator for the City's Public Works yard booster station to Harrison Industrial Contracting Ltd. for the tendered price of $145,965, excluding GST.
6) Council approved the purchase of three (3) pickup trucks from Lake City Ford for the tendered price of $139,538, including applicable taxes.
7) Council approved the purchase of a tandem axle dump truck from Premium Truck and Trailer Inc for the tendered price of $279,330, including applicable taxes.
8) Council endorsed two recommendations from its Public Works Committee, as follows:
a) That pursuant to Public Works Committee Report #01-2018, the letter from the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 139 dated May 2, 2018 requesting millings and the use of City equipment to repair their upper parking lot be received and Council authorize Staff to arrange for the sale of an adequate amount of millings to the Legion at cost, as well as an in-kind donation of City equipment and an operator to load, deliver and compact the millings.
b) That pursuant to Public Works Committee Report #02-2018, the report of the Engineering Technologist dated May 17, 2018 be received and Council direct Staff to reallocate the unused budget of $83,215 from the 2018 Asphalt Rehabilitation Project toward extending the current Second Avenue streetworks rehabilitation and water saddles one block further up Second Avenue from Third Avenue to Moxon Place.
9) Council approved entering into an agreement with Cariboo Chilcotin Funeral Services for the operation of the Five Rivers Crematorium for a further three-year term commencing June 1, 2018 and expiring May 31, 2021, with an amendment to the re-bricking fund and schedule of fees to increase the re-bricking amount from $30 per cremation to $50 per cremation
10) Council awarded the contract for the supply and installation of a complete engineered air heating unit to RL7 for the tendered price of $75,977
11) Council received the Minutes of the Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Meeting held April 25, 2018
12) Council received the Carson Drive and Toop Road Intersection Improvements Progress Report from the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure dated April 12, 2018
13) Council gave approval for the National Indigenous Peoples Day Celebrations Parade at 10:00 AM on Thursday, June 21, 2018
14) Council proclaimed the week of June 4th to 8th, 2018 as "French Immersion Week" in the City of Williams Lake
15) Council dealt with the late items as follows:
a) Council advised the public of the cancellation of the business licence for Mary Jane's Glass and Gifts Ltd. located at 71 Oliver Street in Williams Lake effective immediately
b) Council approved entering into an Agreement for ten (10) GPS Monitoring Devices and Associated Services with SafeTracks GPS Canada Inc. for a one-year term effective May 30, 2018, or upon installation of the first ankle bracelet
c) Council agreed to provide a letter of support to the Museum of the Cariboo-Chilcotin Society for their application to the Northern Development Initiative Trust for funding of up to $27,000 toward the construction of additional mobile display cases, cabinets, counters and service tables.
At 7:00pm - Council recessed to the Public Hearing for Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2277, 2018
At 7:02pm - Council resumed its meeting
16) Following a Public Hearing - Council gave Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2277, 2018 3rd Reading and forwarded the Bylaw to the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure for approval
17) Council received the 'Council Information Package' as follows:
* May 2018 - Access Awareness Day (June 2, 2018) Poster - click here
Members of Council reported out on their recent activities
Media Question Period -- Cancellation of the Business Licence for Mary Jane's Glass and Gifts Ltd
Council agreed to adjourn at 7:25pm and after a brief break, Council convened an In-Camera Meeting as per Section 90(1e - land) of the Community Charter
I smell an election in the air. Williams Lk city council has dusted off their tired old playbook: Tough on Crime canceling MaryJane's business license, acquiring the GPS tracking devices and trotting out the RCMP self serving (for council) crime stats like they're something to be proud of when Williams Lake sadly stays in the top ten, year after year. Some electors will eat it up; others, not so much.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Mayor Cobb declared a conflict of interest on the vote under Item 8a?