Friday, June 29, 2018

92nd Annual WL Stampede starts today!

Starting this morning at 7am and ending on Monday afternoon - the 92nd annual (and famous) Williams Lake Stampede will commence along with the associated events that run concurrent with the annual Williams Lake Stampede event.  The full schedule from today - Monday, July 2nd can be viewed here

Other events are also held during the Stampede including:

1) Canada Day celebration in Boitanio Park -- click here
2) Annual Stampede Parade - click here
3) Annual "Four Directions" Festival, after the Stampede Parade -- click here

Finally - all of the local governments in the Cariboo-Chilcotin are off next week, due to the Canada Day long weekend.  Local government meetings will resume the week of July 9th...

Enjoy the Stampede and a safe Canada Day Long Weekend!


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