Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Cariboo RD Board meets in Committee of Whole Session Thursday afternoon

This Thursday afternoon - the Cariboo Regional District Board will meet as a "Committee of the Whole" to review the following matters:

1) In-Camera Session -- Sec 90(1i,k - advice protected by solicitor-client privilege/negotiations) and 90(2b) - (information held in confidence between Provincial/Federal Governments and local government or information held in confidence between Provincial/Federal Governments and a 3rd Party) of the Community Charter

2) Grant for Assistance Policy (referred from Feb 2018 COW Meeting)

3) Referred Item - Request from Director Sorley – Chilcotin War of 1864 (Referred from May 2nd Cariboo RD Board Meeting)

4) Elimination of Non-taxable Portion of Income for Elected Officials (Report from Cariboo RD Chief Financial Officer)

View the full Agenda here


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