Thursday, June 21, 2018

CRD Board-in-Committee Highlights -- June 21st mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner; Directors T. Armstrong, J. Bruce, J. Massier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, B. Anderson, B. Coakley, B. Kuch, B. Simpson, and M. Campsall

The Chair called the meeting to order at 1:00pm

Meeting Agenda adopted/Committee of the Whole Session of April 12th were received/adopted


1) In-Camera Session

At 1:02pm-- the Committee recessed its public meeting and proceeded to an In-Camera Session as per Sections 90(1)(i & k) and Section 90(2)(b) [advice protected by solicitor-client privilege/negotiations & information held in confidence between Provincial/Federal Governments and local government or information held in confidence between Provincial/Federal Governments and a 3rd Party] of the Community Charter

At 3:40pm -- the Committee resumed its public meeting

2) Grants for Assistance Policy - forwarded from the Feb 15th, 2018 CRD Board-in-Committee Meeting

The Committee had before it a report of the Deputy Corporate Officer along with Grant in Aide policies from Central Kootenay, Bulkley-Nechako and Alberni-Clayquot Regional Districts'

Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved -- That the Electoral Area Directors'/Staff further discuss the matter during 2019 Budget Discussions

3) Request from Director J. Sorley (Electoral Area 'F') – Chilcotin War of 1864

Item carried forward from the May 2nd CRD Board Meeting
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That it be recommended to the Regional Board:

That a letter be forwarded to the Provincial/Federal Governments, with a copy to the Tsilhqot'in National Government, supporting their efforts in the recent apology/exoneration of the Tsilhqot'in Chiefs in relation to the Chilcotin War of 1864

4) Elimination of Non-taxable Portion of Income for Elected Officials

The Committee had before it a report of the Chief Financial Officer
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved -- That it be recommended to the Regional Board:

That a Committee be established of Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Sorley, and Cash along with appropriate Staff to work on this topic along with an appropriate communications strategy

The Committee adjourned at 4:30pm

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