Wednesday, June 6, 2018

Quesnel Council Highlights - June 5th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Quesnel Clean Team – 2018 Discarded Needle Pick-Up Program Pilot
Council, in partnership with BC Housing and Northern Health, have provided financial assistance to expand the Clean Team Program Pilot from two to four Peers that pick up discarded needles, and litter, in West Quesnel and Downtown Quesnel business areas for the remainder of 2018. The Clean Team will now increase their early morning sweeps of West Quesnel and Downtown Quesnel from two to four sweeps. The efforts of the Clean Team has resulted in a reduction of publicly reported incidences of discarded needles. For more information to safely pick up and discard needles please view the BC Centre for Disease Best Practices for Needle Disposal.
Public Works Facility – Cost Update and Next Steps
The City’s current Public Works Facility has reached the point where complete replacement is required. There are two fundamental options: to borrow the funds and build in 2020, or save the funds over the next 10 years and build in 2028. There are a number of problems with the existing site in terms of location, condition, best use of River Front lands, and the safety of the City’s Public Works employees. Council has approved a referendum, that will be held in conjunction with the General Local Government Election in October 2018. Quesnel voters will be asked if they will permit the City to borrow $8.5 million for the proposed $10.8 million new Public Works Facility that would be built in 2020 at the Sword Avenue site. Should the October 2018 referendum be successful and the City receives electoral consent to borrow $8.5 million, the tax increase would be 3.2% per year over the next thirty years.
If the October 2018 referendum does not receive electoral approval, the City will start a savings plan for 10 years to build up cash reserves to start the project in 2028. The inflationary costs to delay the project’s build from 2020 to 2028 would cost Quesnel taxpayers an estimated additional $2.9 million, bringing the project’s total cost in 2028 to $13.7 million. This will require a 7.5% tax increase in order to save $13.7 million over 10 years.
Next steps include:
  • Referendum Question and Loan Authorization Bylaw Readings - June 19th Council Meeting
  • Public Communications/Engagement Plan – Future Council Meeting
Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development
The Public Hearing for the Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw 1848 and Zone Amendment Bylaw 1849 was held on May 30, 2018. Council considered the information presented at the May 30th Public Hearing, and has now approved second and third bylaw readings for proposed Bylaws 1848 and 1849. Next steps include:
  • BC Housing to select a Facility Operator for this proposed facility. BC Housing has issued a Request for Proposal to invite qualified non-profit societies to operate this proposed facility.
  • Once the Facility Operator contract has been awarded, the exact needs and floor plans will be determined.
  • BC Housing will require the Facility Operator enter into a Good Neighbour Agreement with the City, and other stakeholders.
  • BC Housing will be required to enter into a Housing Agreement with the City.
  • BC Housing to bring forward, and Council to consider approval, of the proposed Development Permit for the facility.  
  • Council to consider final adoption of Bylaws 1848 and 1849.
City Dog Park/Parks/Trails – Dog Licenses
Council approved the first three readings of the proposed amendment to the Animal, Bird and Insect Control Amendment Bylaw 1855 that would require all City residents, and Cariboo Regional District residents who live in the City’s fringe areas, to have a current City of Quesnel dog license when dogs are using the City’s Dog Park/Parks/Trails. City staff recognize there will be an education period for informing the public that a dog license is required to use the public amenities and will proceed with an information first, warning second and fine third approach. Consistent with other municipalities’ best practices, Quesnel Bylaw Enforcement staff would be welcoming to tourists, and provide information on the benefits of dog licensing, and promote that all dogs should be licensed through their nearest local government to where the dog resides.
Currently, City of Quesnel Dog Licenses are $10 for spayed or neutered dogs, $25 for unsprayed or unneutered, with an additional $10 fee applied after March 1st. The $10 late fee for 2018 is proposed to be waived for persons from outside the City (City’s CRD fringe areas) wanting to obtain a dog license. The fine for a dog roaming at large without a license is $50.
Next steps include: Council to consider final adoption of this proposed bylaw at the June 19, 2018 Regular Council meeting.
Billy Barker Days Parade Route
Council approved the street closures for the 10 am, Saturday, July 21, 2018 Billy Barker Day parade route. With the Reid Street Redevelopment Project, the parade route has temporarily changed using Shepherd Avenue/McNaughton Avenue/McLean Street/St. Laurent Avenue/Barlow Avenue/Wilson Street.
  • 1848 – Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw (Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development) – Second and Third Readings
  • 1849 – Zone Amendment Bylaw (Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development) – Second and Third Readings
  • 1852 – Master Sign Bylaw – Final Adoption
  • 1855 – Animal, Bird and Insect Control and Licensing Amendment Bylaw (Dog Licenses for Dog Park/ Parks/Trails) – First, Second and Third Readings
Next Meetings
  • 7 pm, June 19 – Regular Council Meeting
  • 7 pm, June 26 – Regular Council Meeting

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