Monday, June 4, 2018

Reid St Revitalization Project - June 4th update

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Saturday May 26th and Sunday May 27th the crew did a large water main tie in on both Carson Avenue and in the lane behind Reid Street (west). Early last week they began water service tie-ins on Reid Street (east side)and will continue to connect services to buildings on the east side of Reid this week. During these tie-ins there will be disruption of pedestrian traffic in front of each property as the work is completed. Work is also underway on the storm water line. Barlow Avenue is currently being prepared for water services and road structure. Pedestrian traffic has been rerouted in the intersection of Reid and Barlow during these works. Crews have done their best to keep at least three crossings open at all times, however with excavation and trucks moving thru the intersection there will be temporary closures for obvious safety reasons. Again, thank you for your patience and co-operation.

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