Sunday, June 24, 2018

Wildwood pays tribute to its Fire Chief on his 30th Anniversary of Public Service

Last night, the community of Wildwood - an unincorporated community of roughly 100 residents about 10 mins north of Williams Lake in Electoral Area 'D' of the Cariboo Regional District (CRD) held a thank you dinner and paid tribute/honour to Randy Worsley, currently the Fire Chief of the Wildwood VFD, 1 of 14 VFD's operated by the CRD.  This is Chief Worsley's 30th anniversary with the Wildwood VFD whose history goes back to 1985, some 33 years ago

After a well appointed dinner of steak, hot dogs (for the kids), salads and corn on the cob and desert.  Many speeches and gifts were presented in honour of Chief Worsley including:

* Wildwood VFD Deputy Chief Brad Elliot
* Wildwood VFD Assistant Chief Sabrina Dyok
* Reps from the Wildwood Community Association
* Cariboo RD Area 'D' Director Steve Forseth

For my part -- I presented on behalf of the Regional District, Chief Worsley his 30th Anniversary Axe and a plaque recognizing his long years of service (30).  I also paid tribute to his family for being so giving of their husband, father, brother and uncle to the community of Wildwood.

In his reply -- Chief Worsley thanked everyone/his family for coming out this evening and praised his department for being one of the best he's had the pleasure of serving on and then the entire Department lined up to shake their Fire Chief's hand and thank him individually

I'm sure I would speak for the entire community of Wildwood by simply saying Thank You for your selfless service, Randy Worsley, to the community of Wildwood.  It is greatly appreciated...


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