Friday, July 20, 2018

90 Days to Local Government Elections 2018

Today marks exactly 90 days until the voters' in Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake, 100 Mile House and the Cariboo Regional District elect new Electoral Area Directors, School Trustees, Mayors and Councillors for the 2018-2022 Term on Saturday, October 20th, 2018

2018 Local Government or Board of Education Nomination packages will be available for pickup, starting on Friday, July 27thfrom the Chief Election Officers for the Districts of Wells/100 Mile House, Cities of Quesnel/Williams Lake, Boards of Education for School Districts #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) and #28 (Quesnel) and the Cariboo Regional District with prospective local government elected official nominees NOT being able to file their nominations with the local government or Board of Education Chief Election Officer until September 4-14,2018

A website to keep handy is 2018 CivicInfo Local Elections Portal- click here.  It will list ALL of the candidates for all local government or Boards of Education elections throughout BC.  It is refreshed each time a new candidate files in September with the local government or Board of Education Chief Election Officer

As of this writing -- this is what we know, in terms of the 2018 Local Government/Board of Education General Election Races in the Cariboo-Chilcotin Region:

District of Wells - No public announcements to date by the incumbent Mayor/Councillors

City of Quesnel - Mayor Bob Simpson (also CCRHD Board Chair) and Councillor Ron Paull to both seek re-election. Councillors Scott Elliott, Laurey-Anne Roodenburg, and Sushil Thapar have made no public statements on their Oct 20th election plans while Ed Coleman announced on July 13th that he would not seek re-election in October and John Brisco announced on July 16th that he won't seek re-election this October

City of Williams Lake - Mayor Walt Cobb and Councillors Jason Ryll/Craig Smith to all seek re-election.  Councillors Laurie Walters and Sue Zacharias will not seek re-election.  Councillors Ivan Bonnell/Scott Nelson have made no public statements on their October 20th election plans.  Local Williams Lake Realtor Micheal Jones and current School District #27 Zone 5 Trustee Dr Sheila Boehm to seek election to WL City Council

District of 100 Mile House - Mayor Mitch Campsall to seek a 4th term.  Councillors Dave Mingo, Spence Henderson, Ralph Fossum and Bill Hadden have yet to make public statements on their Oct 20th election plans

Board of Education for School District #28 (Quesnel) - No public statements from Trustees George Natalizio, Tony Goulet, David Chapman (also SD28 Board Vice-Chair), Howie Schonke, Julie-Anne Runge, Wendy Clement or Gloria Jackson (also SD28 Board Chair) on their October 20th election plans

Board of Education for School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin) - Zone 2 Trustee Tanya Guenther (also SD27 Board Chair) and Zone 5 Trustee Dr Sheila Boehm will not seek re-election while Zone 1 Trustee Linda Martens, Zone 3 Trustee Willow MacDonald, Zone 6 Trustee Brice O'Neill (also SD27 Board Vice-Chair) or Zone 7 Trustee Bruce Baptiste have made no public statements on their October 20th election plans.  Zone 4 remains vacant after the resignation of former Zone 4 Trustee Christine Dyment, late last year

Cariboo Regional District - Electoral Areas as noted below:

Area A - Incumbent Director Ted Armstrong will not seek re-election.  Area 'A' Alternate Director Mary Sjostrom seeks to succeed him

Area B - Incumbent Director Jerry Bruce will not seek re-election.  No candidates have announced their intention to seek to succeed him

Area C - Incumbent Director John Massier (CRD Board Vice-Chair) to seek re-election
Area D - Incumbent Director Steve Forseth to seek re-election
Area E - Incumbent Director Angie Delainey to seek re-election

Area F - Incumbent Director Joan Sorley will not seek re-election.  No candidates have announced their intention to seek to succeed her

Area G - Incumbent Director Al Richmond (CCRHD Board Vice-Chair) to seek re-election
Area H - Incumbent Director Margo Wagner (CRD Board Chair) to seek re-election
Area I - Incumbent Director Dylan Cash will not seek re-election.  No candidates have announced their intention to seek to succeed him

Area J - Incumbent Director Roger William has not decided his 2018 Election Plans

Area K - Incumbent Director Betty Anderson to seek re-election
Area L - Incumbent Director Brian Coakley to seek re-election

Upcoming Key Local Government General Election Dates:

Friday, July 27th - 1st available day to pickup 2018 Local Gov't Nomination Packages from Local Government/Boards of Education (SD27/SD28) Chief Election Officers

Tuesday, Sept 4th - Start of Nomination Period for 2018 Local Government General Election

Friday, Sept 14th - End of Nomination Period for 2018 Local Government General Election & Declaration of Candidates

Friday, Sept 21st - End of Period for 2018 Candidates to Withdraw and End of Election Period by 12 midnight

Saturday, Sept 22nd -  Official start of 2018 Campaign Period for 2018 Local Elections

Monday, Sept 24th - Declaration of Election by Voting or Elected by Acclamation by Local Government or Board of Education Chief Election Officers

Wed Oct 10th and Mon Oct 15th - Advanced Voting Opportunities

Sat Oct 20th -- General Voting Day/End of 2018 Campaign Period

Tues Oct 23rd - Official Declaration of 2018 Election Results

November 2018 -- Inaugural Meetings of Local Governments/Boards of Education in the Cariboo-Chilcotin for the 2018-22 Term

If you have any questions or concerns, please contact your local government or Board of Education Chief Election Officer.  Contact information below:

District of Wells - Andrew Young (Ph: 250-994-3330 or via email at

City of Quesnel - Gina Albers (Ph: 250-991-7471 or

City of Williams Lake - Cindy Bouchard (Ph: 250-392-2311 or

100 Mile House - Tammy Boulanger (Ph: 250-395-2434 or

Cariboo Regional District - Alice Johnston (Ph: 250-392-3351 or

School District #28 (Quesnel) - Teri Stoneman (Ph: 250-992-0405 or

School District #27 (Cariboo/Chilcotin) - Kevin Futcher (Ph: 250-398-3833 or


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