Saturday, July 28, 2018

BC Red Cross comes through for Independent Fire Depts in Cariboo-North

Earlier this week -- Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes expressed a concern about the lack of basic supplies required by independent fire departments in Cariboo-North (Horsefly, Likely, Big Lake, Tyee Lake and McLeese Lake) and their lack of revenue options.. Today, the BC Red Cross has agreed to step up and provide funding for basic supplies for the Horsefly, Likely, Big Lake, Tyee Lake and McLeese Lake independent fire departments... I should note this is, above and beyond, the usual opportunity that myself and Cariboo RD Electoral Area 'F' Director Joan Sorley have provided local grants for assistance for capital needs for these independent fire departments previously...

A BIG Thank You to Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes and her staff for their never ending efforts to get this funding from the BC Red Cross.  I am sure the communities of Horsefly, Likely, Tyee Lake, McLeese Lake and Big Lake appreciates their efforts to going to bat for their local Fire Departments...



“The Red Cross has come through with funding for rural volunteer fire departments in the Cariboo.
The organization has agreed to help with a bulk order of coveralls, helmets and gloves for the fire departments in need with $28,000 in funding, says Jackie Sarginson, administrative assistant to Cariboo North MLA Coralee Oakes.

“The Red Cross had a meeting with the fire commissioner and they have agreed to help,” she says.
The Red Cross will now contact the five unincorporated volunteer fire departments to get size information. Sarginson says the Red Cross must then follow channels to get three price quotes, and go from there.
“[This is a] good first step and gets us in the queue for other needs like hoses and water bladders,” MLA Oakes said via email.
“The larger equipment asks will be longer in arranging, but it is being worked on,” comments Sarginson”

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