Friday, July 13, 2018

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - July 13th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner; Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Forseth, Delainey, Richmond,  Cash, William, Anderson, Coakley, Kuch, Simpson, Cobb, and Alternate Directors J. Darney (Electoral Area 'F') and D. Mingo (District of 100 Mile House)

The Chair acknowledged that the meeting is taking place on traditional Shuswap territory and welcomed Alternate Directors Jack Darney/Dave Mingo to the meeting today who is attending the meeting on behalf of Area F Director Joan Sorley/District of 100 Mile House Director Mitch Campsall

Meeting agenda adopted/Minutes of the Cariboo RD Board Meeting held June 22nd were received/adopted

Delegations MOB was received


Development Services

1) The Board gave 1st/2nd Readings to Lac La Hache Area Official Community Plan (OCP) Amendment Bylaw No. 5160, 2018 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5161, 2018 (Area 'G'/0972514 BC Ltd)

2) Following a public hearing - The Board gave 3rd Reading to North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5132, 2018 (Area I/Fouty)

3) Following a public hearing - The Board gave 3rd Reading to Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5121, 2017 (Area A/Orica Canada Ltd)

5) The Board deferred Development Variance Permit #15/2018 (Area F/Kadonaga) for 6 months for further work

6) The Board approved Development Variance Permit #18/2018 (Area D/Sharman)

7) The Board approved Temporary Permit #14/2018 (Area L/Young) subject to:

a. The recreational vehicles must be parked only within the proposed area for temporary use permit as shown in Appendix D.
b. No recreational vehicles can be parked on public streets.
c. The southern and eastern boundaries of the proposed area for temporary use permit in the parcel must be provided with a screening fence.
d. The business operation must be between 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM

6) The Board received the Cariboo Regional District Statistics Reports and the Inspection Activity Reports for the months of April/May 2018

Environmental Services:

1) The Board received the Rural Refuse Site Inspection Report for the period of March 1-June 25, 2018

Community Services:

1) The Board approved an application for $100,000 under the Single Applicant funding stream/BC Rural Dividend - for development of low mobility trails at the Nimpo Lake Community Trails site, Anahim Lake Trail Network and the Bullion Pit Historic Site near Likely

2) The Board approved an application for $500,000 be submitted under the Partnership funding stream/BC Rural Dividend for construction of a runway overlay at the South Cariboo Regional Airport and that a letter be requested from the District of 100 Mile House confirming partnership in the project

3) The Board approved an application for $500,000 be submitted under the Partnership funding stream/BC Rural Dividend for construction of a new access road and on-site parking improvements at the Esler Sports Complex and that a letter be requested from the City of Williams Lake confirming partnership in the project.


1) The Board received/ratified the Monthly Expenditures Board Summary Report and Mastercard Summary Report for the month of June 2018, in the amount of $1,766,059.61


1) The Board received a report from the Corporate Officer in regards to an item from the Capital Regional District, for support of a resolution its Board submitted to the 2018 UBCM Convention, relating to local governments being engaged in a comprehensive review of the Regional Growth Strategy (RGS) sections of the Local Government Act

2) The Board received a report from the Chief Administrative Officer in regards to the proposed Dasiqox Tribal Park and agreed to have a meeting with Stone Chief Russell Myers-Ross & Xeni Gwet'in Chief Jimmy Lulua to further discuss this topic in early August

3) The Board approved the following 2018 UBCM Meeting Requests (Provincial Senior Staff or Ministers):

Minister George Heyman, Environment

Expansion of stewardship programs to include recycling materials from the ICI sector & Mt Polley

Premier Horgan/Minister Mike Farnworth/Jennifer Rice, Parl Sec

Emergency Preparedness and Response in British Columbia. Specifically addressing the Abbott/Chapman Report recommendation. Key finding/Provincial Commitment/Focus on ESS. Six priorities for us.

Minister Jinny Sims

Provincial Commitment to cellular and broadband services in rural British Columbia.

Provincial MOTI Staff

Commodore Heights Ditching Project
McLeese Lake Boat Launch garbage maintenance.

Meeting recessed at 10:58am
Meeting resumed at 11:01am


1) Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes appeared before the Board to provide a general update

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked MLA Oakes for her time/information

2) Williams Lake RCMP Inspector Jeff Pelley appeared before the Board to have a discussion about rural policing

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair thanked Inspector Pelley for his time/information

Meeting recessed at 11:55am
Meeting resumed at 12:35pm

Business/Administration, cont:

4) The Board received the Consent and Financial Consent Calendar as of July 13th, 2018

5) The Board received a letter from Township of Spallumcheen in regards to BC's new Employer Health Tax and a letter from the Regional District of Bulkley-Nechako in regards to Support of the Caribou Recovery Program and a letter supporting the position of the Bulkley-Nechako Regional District.

6) The Board received a letter of response from the Hon. Jinny Sims (BC Minister of Citizen Services) in regards to the importance of internet connectivity in rural areas

7) The Board received a letter of response from the Federal Department of Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs advising that the CRD's request for government funding towards the City of Quesnel's Chilcotin War Chiefs Historical Site project was forwarded to the Minister of Canadian Heritage for response

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received the minutes of the Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus meeting held June 20th and endorsed the following item:

a) Dust Control on Beaver Lake Road - Letter to BC's Minister of Transportation/Infrastructure

2) The Board received the minutes of the Central Cariboo Joint Committee meeting held June 20th and endorsed the following items:

a) Central Cariboo Recreation - City/CRD Facility Management Agreement Renewal

Board divided - Approved by the following vote:

Affirmative - Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Massier, Delainey, Richmond, Wagner, Cash, William, Anderson, Coakley, Kuch, Simpson, Cobb; Alternate Directors Darney/Mingo

Negative - Director S. Forseth

b) Esler Recreation Advisory Commission - 2018 Spring Meeting Minutes and Recommendations

3) The Board received the minutes of the Service Efficiency and Effectiveness Review Committee meeting held June 21st and endorsed 1 Recommendation:

a) Staff report back on the Administration services of the CRD, similar to the Recreation Service Efficiency and Effectiveness reports provided at this meeting.

4) The Board received the minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held on June 21st, 2018 and endorsed the following recommendations:

a) Referred Item - Request from Director Sorley – Chilcotin War of 1864 (Letter to BC/Canada for their acts of apology and exoneration of the Tsilhqot'in Chiefs)

b) Elimination of Non-taxable Portion of Income for Elected Officials (Refer to a Committee of Directors Armstrong, Bruce, Sorley and Cash to bring forward recommendations/communications strategy and meeting expenses be authorized for Committee members)

5) The Board endorsed a recommendation from the North Cariboo Joint Committee in regards to the North Cariboo allotment for Cariboo Strong funding and the matter of funding for the TNG Monument at the GR Baker Hospital site in Quesnel be referred to the Central and South Cariboo Joint Committees for consideration

Corporate Bylaws:

1) The Board gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Readings to Quesnel Regional Airport Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5151, 2018 and adopted the following Resolutions, in relation to the Oct 20th vote on the establishment of the Quesnel Regional Airport Contribution Service

a) That Alice Johnston, Corporate Officer, be appointed Chief Election Officer for the Quesnel Regional Airport Contribution Assent Vote on October 20, 2018, and that Lore Schick, Deputy Corporate Officer, be appointed Deputy Chief Election Officer for this assent vote

b) That the question to be put to the electorate for the Quesnel Regional Airport Contribution Assent Vote be as follows:
"Are you in favour of the adoption of Bylaw No. 5151, which would provide a contribution of funds for the provision of airport services at the Quesnel Regional Airport? The maximum annual requisition would be the greater of $90,000 or an amount raised by applying a tax rate of $0.0682/$1,000 to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area. (Based on 2018 assessed values, the current residential tax rate for the contribution to airport services would be $3.61/$100,000.)"

c) That by an affirmative vote of at least 2/3rds of the votes cast, the Cariboo Regional District Board hereby provides that the participating area approval is to be obtained for the entire service area in the referendum on Quesnel Regional Airport Contribution Service Establishment Bylaw No. 5151, 2018.

Directors' Reports/Appointments:

At  1:07pm -- Alternate Director J. Darney (Area F) declared a conflict on the next item as he sits on the Big Lake Community Association Executive and left the meeting

1) At the request of Area D Director S. Forseth for Area F Director J. Sorley -- The Board agreed to waive policy and approve $2,000 from the Area 'F' Director Initiative Fund to supply an official bulletin board in Big Lake and Likely, to be mounted at the community halls in Big Lake/Likely

At  1:10pm -- Alternate Director J. Darney returned to the meeting

The Board received the report of the Chair respecting her activities up to July 11th, 2018

Directors' reported on items from their respective Electoral Area or Municipality

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