Tuesday, July 24, 2018

Fritz Wyssen seeks Quesnel Councillor seat in October

This past Sunday - Quesnel resident Fritz Wyssen announced on Facebook that he was putting his name forward for one of the 6 Quesnel City Councillor seats in this October's City of Quesnel Local General Election.  For his reasons for running, he stated:

As our 2018 City Council Election quickly approaches, I find now the best time to step forward and offer my services to our City. Quesnel has been our home for many years now and to come into the future.

For those who have not seen my face or name you only need to ask a friend or inquire at the many volunteer organizations and service industries that our city offers. While it was the BC Ambulance service that was my primary professional occupation when first I came to Quesnel my involvement has only grown into the Forest sector, Family services, and Community groups. My online presence serves to help each member of the community.

I invite you to stay tuned to this year's Elections and ask that every member of the public participate in the election process so we can have a strong hand in bringing Quesnel into the future while holding onto the strengths of our past that our ancestors have worked so hard to build this land.

To access Mr Wyssen's Facebook election page - click here

In addition to Mr. Wyssen, current Quesnel City Councillor Ron Paull has publicly committed to seek re-election to Quesnel City Council along with current Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson while Quesnel City Councillors Ed Coleman and John Brisco will not seek re-election in October.  Quesnel City Councillors Scott Elliott, Laurey-Anne Roodenburg and Sushil Thapar have yet to publicly indicate if they will seek re-election in October

If you are thinking about running for Quesnel City Council (Mayor or City Councillor) in October - click here for what you need to know...

Local Governments in BC will elect new Mayors, Councillors', Electoral Area Directors' (Regional Districts) and School Trustees (Boards of Education) for a 4 year term commencing November 1st, 2018 on Saturday, October 20th


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