Thursday, July 5, 2018

New BC Cannabis Retail Store Regulations announced!

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Detailed information regarding eligibility requirements for prospective non-medical cannabis retail licence applicants is now available online.

The Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch (formerly the Liquor Control and Licensing Branch) has established regulatory requirements for private cannabis retail store licences, which will allow licensees to sell non-medical cannabis in B.C.

The site also informs prospective licensees about the rules governing cannabis retail stores, and the necessary security screening requirements. The site will generally help prospective licensees prepare for the upcoming application process.

The regulatory framework for private cannabis retail stores focuses on meeting government’s goals for legalized cannabis that prioritizes public health and safety, including keeping cannabis out of the hands of minors and reducing the illegal market. Therefore, the application review process will include rigorous security screening and robust licensing requirements.

In addition, the Province recognizes that local governments and Indigenous nations are often best equipped to make decisions based on their own community needs. When an application is received, the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch will notify the appropriate local government or Indigenous nation when the proposed location is on a reserve, Nisga’a Land, or treaty settlement land. The branch must receive a positive recommendation in order to consider the application. The positive recommendation will be considered, but is not binding on the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch.

By early August 2018, the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch will open its application process. It is strongly recommended that potential licensees visit the website to carefully review all the available materials to be prepared for the opening of the application intake site.

Quick Fact:

The Liquor Control and Licensing Branch has been renamed the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch, representing its new additional responsibility of licensing and monitoring the retail sale of non-medical cannabis in British Columbia.
Learn More:

For information on cannabis retail licensing, visit:

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