Tuesday, July 17, 2018

North Cariboo Wildfire Recovery Plan Complete

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

The City of Quesnel’s Wildfire Recovery Team has completed the Wildfire Recovery Plan for the North Cariboo. 831 formal and informal in-person interviews, phone calls, and submitted surveys with businesses and non-profit organizations informed the plan.
The Wildfire Recovery Plan includes specific requests of further support from the Province based on gaps identified by the recovery team. The plan also includes a list of action steps to be taken to start recovery following any future disaster. These steps are based on lessons learned following the wildfires. Finally, the plan contains a long list of completed, in progress, and potential actions that have or could be taken to hasten recovery following the 2017 wildfires. The complete North Cariboo Wildfire Recovery Plan may be accessed on the City’s website: http://bit.ly/2uuAEk0.
The City of Quesnel received funding from Emergency Management BC in order to develop a recovery team. The team’s mandate was to develop a plan to promote economic, social, and environmental recovery in the North Cariboo and begin early implementation steps between October 2017 – June 2018

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