Friday, August 10, 2018

Aug 10th Wildfire Report - Cariboo Fire Centre

Editor's Note -- the BC Wildfire Service has identified a fire on Fox Mountain on Enns Rd, about mid-way.  The cause has been identified as 'human-caused' and is currently sized at 0.01Ha.  I will post more details as I get them... As of 1:24pm, Fri Aug 10th - the fire on Enns Rd is now out

Courtesy of the BC Wildfire Service - Cariboo Fire Centre:

There are currently 87 active wildfires within the Cariboo Fire Centre. Six fires were called out yesterday, one fire in the Quesnel zone, one in the Horsefly area, three in the 100 Mile zone and one in the Chilcotin Fire Zone. The Ends Road fire near Williams Lake is now called out. 

Eleven new wildfires were discovered in the Cariboo Fire Centre since yesterday. Six of these were within the 100 Mile Fire Zone, the largest is 80 hectares and is located north of Mahood Lake. One fire was discovered in the Quesnel Fire Zone, one in located in the Horsefly area and one in the Quesnel. Three were discovered in the Williams Lake region, the largest is estimated at 45 hectares and located 10 kilometres southwest of Springhouse.

The fire danger rating in the Cariboo Fire Centre is currently ‘high’ throughout half the fire centre with the other half ‘extreme’, particularly in the Chilcotin Fire Zone. No precipitation or lightning occurred yesterday or is anticipated for today. 

There is a campfire ban in effect throughout the Cariboo Fire Centre. Anyone found in contravention of an open fire prohibition may be issued a ticket for $1,150, required to pay an administrative penalty of up to $10,000, and if convicted in court, fined up to $100,000 and/or sentenced to one year in jail. If contravention causes or contribute to a wildfire, the person responsible may be ordered to pay all firefighting and associated costs.

Please remember to report all wildfires to 1 800 663-5555 or *5555 on your cellphone.

Wildfires of Note
There are currently seven Wildfires of Note within the Cariboo Fire Centre. Please check here for future updates on these fires:

Horsefly Lake (C31678), Cariboo Fire Centre
Location:  North of Horsefly Lake and west of Haggens Point Road
Status: 526 hectares mapped, 90% contained
Cause: Lightning-caused
Resources:  28 firefighters, 12 pieces of heavy equipment and 3 helicopters. 
Fire Camp in place: None
Objectives:  Ground crews are continuing to reinforce guards and establishing a wet line perimeter.
Evacuations: No Evacuation Alert for this wildfire.
Other: N/A

Shag Creek (C11837), Cariboo Fire Centre
Location:  West of Shag Creek
Status: 7000 hectares estimated, 0% contained
Cause: Lightning-caused
Resources:  None
Fire Camp in place: None
Objectives:  Given current and expected fire behavior, crews have been pulled off this fire for safety reasons. BC Wildfire Service is continuing to monitor this fire.
Evacuations: An Evacuation Order has been implemented by the Cariboo Regional District for properties in the Shag Creek area. For more information, please visit the Cariboo Regional District Website:
Other: N/A

Wild Goose Lake (C41745), Cariboo Fire Centre
Location:  Wild Goose Lake
Status: 1400 hectares mapped, 30% contained
Cause: Lightning-caused
Resources:  There are 54 firefighters, one helicopter, and four pieces of heavy equipment on site.
Fire Camp in place: None
Objectives:  Ground crews worked on the eastern flank yesterday and will continue working to establish fire guard to achieve full containment.
Evacuations: None
Other: N/A

Blackwater River (C12328), Cariboo Fire Centre
Location:  East of Blackwater River in the Nazko area
Status: 1184 hectares mapped, 0% contained
Cause: Lightning-caused
Resources: There are 16 personnel, one helicopter, and six pieces of heavy equipment on site.
Fire Camp in place: None
Objectives:  Crews and equipment will continue building fire guard.
Evacuations: None
Other: N/A

Narcosli Creek (C12302), Cariboo Fire Centre
Location:  North of Tzenzaicut Lake, west of Kersley
Status: 1200 hectares estimated, 0% contained
Cause: Lightning-caused
Resources: There are 30 firefighters, two helicopters and six pieces of heavy equipment on site.
Fire Camp in place: None
Objectives:  Ground crews will continue establishing control lines.
Evacuations: None
Other: N/A

Lang Lake (C42138), Cariboo Fire Centre
Location:  East of the north end of Lang lake
Status: 200 hectares estimated, 0% contained
Cause: Lightning-caused
Resources: One firefighter and four pieces of heavy equipment are on site.
Fire Camp in place: None
Objectives:  One firefighter is on site assessing the situation and equipment is working to establish containment lines. More resources will be deployed as they become available.
Evacuations: None
Other: N/A

Houseman Road (C42363), Cariboo Fire Centre
Location:  Southwest of Buffalo Lake
Status: 12 hectares estimated, 10% contained
Cause: Lightning-caused
Resources: There are 20 firefighters and four pieces of heavy equipment on site.
Fire Camp in place: None
Objectives:  Ground crews are working to establish guard in order to gain full containment.
Evacuations: An Evacuation Order has been implemented by the Cariboo Regional District for properties in the Houseman Road area. For more information, please visit the Cariboo Regional District Website:
Other: N/A

Below is a summary of other active fires, by zone, as of first thing this morning. For current sized on wildfires not listed below, please check the All Current Wildfires web page.

Quesnel zone
There are 19 wildfires burning in this zone, three were discovered yesterday afternoon.
C11853 –20 ha– Wells/Barkerville –Under Control –Six firefighters on site.
C11819 –60 ha –Swift River–Being Held –35 firefighters on site.
C11837 –700ha –Shag Creek—see Wildfire of Note above.
C12302 –1200 ha– Narcosli Creek –see Wildfire of Note above.
C12230 –40 ha– W of Pantage Lake/S of Big Valley Creek. This fire experienced aggressive fire behavior yesterday. No structures or communities are threatened at this time.
C12328 –1184 ha— East of Blackwater River —See Wildfires of Note above.
C12338—0.1 ha– Chevans Creek –Personnel is on site to assess the fire. No communities or structures are threatened at this time.
C12365 –60 ha –China Bluff – south of Kluskoil Lake park –Currently being assessed and is in close proximity to C12328.

Williams Lake Zone
There are nine fires burning, all of these are Under Control.
C21673 –199 ha –Junction Sheep Range Provincial Park –Under Control – being monitored
C21875 –15 ha –Tom Hutch Creek –Under Control –being monitored
C22283 –9.5 ha –Stum Lake – 22 firefighters on site –Under Control
C22371 – 45 ha – 10 kilometres southwest of Springhouse – There are 21 firefighters on site

Horsefly zone
There are 22 active fires. All fires have been assessed and actioned in priority sequence.
C31689 –420 ha –Quartz Mountain –Being monitored
C31691 –80 ha –east arm Quesnel Lake –Being monitored
C31688 –12 ha –Heningram FSR—Crew is on site
C31678 – 526ha – Horsefly Lake –east of Viewland Mountain – See Wildfire of Note above.
C31606 –16 ha –north of Buxton Creek –15 firefighters on site—Under Control
C31692 –50 ha—east of Warttig Lake –Being monitored 
C32320 –6 ha –Tisdal Lake –This fire was discovered  yesterday and crews are actioning the less active flank at this time.
C32372 – South of Tasse Lake – This fire was discovered yesterday and is estimated at 0.3 hectares

100 Mile zone
There are 32 active fires. All fires have been assessed and actioned in priority sequence.
C41745 –1400 ha –Wild Goose Lake –See Wildfire of Note above.
C42133 –10 ha –west of Lang Lake –A crew is onsite –Being Held
C42138 –200 ha –south of Lang Lake –see Wildfires of Note above.
C42324 –400 ha –70 Mile—One helicopter and 29 personnel are on site. No communities or structures are threatened at this time.  
C42331 –30 ha –Young Lake—Updated size due to accurate mapping.
C42358 – 80 ha – Southwest of Clearwater Lake, north of Mahood Lake – This fire is being monitored.
C42363 – 12 ha – Houseman Road –see Wildfires of Note above.

Chilcotin zone
The Chilcotin Fire Zone currently has three active wildfires.
C51925 –120 ha –Chantslar Lake –43 personnel on site –Under Control
C51752 –55 ha – south of Itcha Ilgatchuz Park –Crews are making excellent progress, there are 18 personnel onsite –Being Held

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