Thursday, August 23, 2018

Dave Moore seeks election to WL City Council

Dave Moore - a long time resident of Williams Lake & currently, a Gibraltar Mine employee -- will seek election to Williams Lake City Council this October.  His key reasons for running are:

* number of empty buildings in the downtown core
* Red Tape at WL City Hall for contractors
* not enough activities for youth in WL
* water filtration

Full details here

Others seeking election or re-election to WL City Council this October are:


1) Walt Cobb - incumbent


1) Ivan Bonnell - incumbent
2) Scott Nelson - incumbent
3) Jason Ryll - incumbent
4) Craig Smith - incumbent
5) Micheal A Jones - challenger (a local Williams Lake Realtor)
6) Sheila Boehm - challenger (a local Chiropractor and SD27 Zone 5 (WL Fringe) School Trustee)

The 2018 Nomination Period for WL City Council is from September 4-14, 2018 and General Voting Day for the City of Williams Lake Local General Election is Saturday, October 20th, 2018


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