Saturday, August 11, 2018

Lindsay Kay resigns from Wells Council

At its' Special Meeting on Tuesday - District of Wells Council will receive a letter of resignation from former District of Wells Councillor Lindsay Kay.  Ms. Kay was elected in a by-election held in September of 2017.  In a part of her letter, she explains why she has decided to step down prior to mandatory local elections to be held in October, some 70 days away:

There exists a minority element within the District of Wells with which, not only did I not find support, I found impossible to work with. Therefore, for the sake of my health and well-being I am unable to continue. It is with great sadness, frustration and anger that I watch the continuing deterioration of the reputation and functionality of the District of Wells. It is my greatest hope for our community that future Council members are able to see this situation for what it is and take the necessary measures to rectify it.

I would like to be clear that my resignation is not a result of the introduction of the new Councilor and Mayor. The Mayor and Council have my support and now that there is (was) a full council, I can step down with the knowledge that my absence will not be debilitating to the workings of Council.

Once again, I sincerely thank everyone who has supported me in this challenging role. The support of community members has meant everything to me. I wish that I could push through the next three months in order to represent those supporters, but I have a greater need to protect myself, my energy and mental and physical health.
I will remain an engaged citizen and I urge others to engage themselves and speak up, for the sake of  our community.
Read the full resignation letter here.  Given a mandatory election is required in 70 days, I expect District of Wells Council to receive the letter and waive the requirement for a by-election and thus leaving her seat unfilled until the local general election is held on Saturday October 20th

On a personal note -- I met her only once at the May 2018 North Central Local Gov't Association's Convention at Fort Nelson and she was a warm individual and full of passion for the community she represented and I wish her well in her future endeavours....


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