Tuesday, August 14, 2018

NDIT Report - State of Tourism in Northern B.C.

Courtesy of the Northern Development Initiative Trust:

As Northern B.C.’s leader in economic development we at Northern Development feel that it’s crucial to understand the data behind the decisions that affect the communities we serve. Earlier this year, the State of the North Economic Report revealed that although Northern B.C.’s economy remains largely reliant on the natural resource sector, it’s also incredibly complex, nuanced and ever shifting. For that reason, we’ve created the ‘Northern Dispatch’ – short reports that delve into portions of the State of the North in greater detail, adding commentary and context on specific sectors or subjects … and maybe a little myth-busting too.

Our hope is that the Northern Dispatch will provide value to communities, business leaders and stakeholders who share our passion for Northern B.C. We plan to issue four of them this year, each one focusing on a different topic pulled from the State of the
North. Here’s hoping you have as much fun reading them as we did writing them.

To view the report - click here


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