Thursday, August 16, 2018

Residents Encouraged to Participate in Economic Development Strategy Survey

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake is encouraging residents to take part in a survey that will help to guide the planning of an economic development strategy for the Williams Lake area.

Building on the work of the Wildfire Recovery Manager, the City of Williams Lake has taken this second step to create an economic development strategy that will focus and guide future economic development initiatives. "The strategy will identify priority opportunities for our region, and ways that we can support our current area businesses to thrive in our transitioning economy," says Economic Development Officer Beth Veenkamp. "We believe that this is important work as we continue to adapt to the changes brought about by the 2017 wildfires and the ongoing impacts that we continue to experience in the region; we are very grateful to Northern Development Initiative Trust for their financial support of this project."

As part of the economic development strategy development, the City of Williams Lake hopes that residents will participate in the survey to increase insight into local priorities. Individual survey results are confidential and only the aggregate findings will be made public.

Survey participants will also be eligible to enter a draw for one of two $100 LOVE BUCKS certificates, which can be spent on merchandise at any participating Williams Lake business.

Residents can find the survey link on the Recent News section of the City’s website at or can copy and paste this link/click here

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