Monday, August 13, 2018

Statement from Federal Ministers Goodale/Saijjan re: 2018 BC Wildfires

Courtesy of Public Safety Canada:

Today, the Honourable Ralph Goodale, Minister of Public Safety and Emergency Preparedness, and the Honourable Harjit Sajjan, Minister of National Defence, made the following statement about wildfires in British Columbia:
“The Government of Canada has accepted a formal request for federal assistance from the Government of British Columbia to help protect communities affected by wildfires.
Air assets will be deployed to transport firefighting personnel and equipment, support medical evacuations and move people in remote communities out of harm’s way. Approximately 200 troops will be sent to help in mop-up operations to contain the fire’s spread. British Columbians can rest assured that help will be provided as soon as possible. 
Through the Government Operations Centre (GOC), officials are coordinating the federal response, working closely with federal and provincial partners on planning the assistance, which includes support from the Canadian Armed Forces.
We urge all affected residents to follow the instructions and advice of law enforcement and first responders. On behalf of all Canadians, we thank all the first responders and volunteers working hard at keeping everyone safe.”
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