Friday, August 31, 2018

Walt Cobb makes his re-election pitch to WL Voters

Earlier today on Facebook - Williams Lake Mayor Walt Cobb made his re-election pitch to the voters' of Williams Lake.  At this stage - he is the only publicly declared candidate for Mayor of Williams Lake for the October 20th City of Williams Lake Local General Election.  His re-election pitch has received 81 "likes" and shared 7 times on Facebook as of the writing of this post

The formal 10 day 2018 Nomination Period for Williams Lake City Councillor or Mayor commences this Tuesday at 9am and terminates at 4pm sharp! on Friday, September 14th


Message from Walt Cobb re: 2018 Re-election bid:

My name is Walt Cobb and I am seeking your support for re-election as Mayor of Williams Lake.
I have lived here for over 50 years and have been involved for almost that long with different organizations and the people of Williams Lake from Rotary International, to assisting in the building of housing for Sr's in Glen Arbor and those with disabilities with Baker Manor. I am currently on the executive of the Royal Canadian Legion, President of Glen Arbor, Vice-President of Barkerville Heritage Trust and I continue to represent the city in the Chamber of Commerce, the WLBIA and the city representative on the Cariboo Regional District.
We need jobs if we are to live, play and prosper in Williams Lake.
We will not have the jobs if we do not have business and industry to support them.
Most small city busy downtown cores are the focal point indicating a successful community. I will continue working hard to return the City downtown core to the asset is once was.
Our tax base needs expansion and I am making it a top priority to work with industry and the retail sector to find ways of diversifying. There is no reason we do not have more secondary industry here and I will continue working with existing operators to encourage expansion.
We must look beyond our area to expand and diversify. We need alternatives.
I look forward to my continuation of consultation with all levels of government, industry and the retail sector to find the money so we can continue to pay for social programs. Without expansion or diversification we will have no growth, or ability to pay more.
For those of you who do not know me, I have attached my brief resume as this is an important job I am re-applying for.
I will not be able to meet everyone, or as many as I would like to, by going door to door. I know you have busy lives too and may not be home.
If you would like to talk about your particular issue or concern please call my cell @ 250-392-0459. My email is:
I encourage any feedback on my performance over the last four years and look forward to serving you all again in the future.

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