Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Williams Lake Fire Department Receives Farm Credit Canada Funding

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake is pleased to confirm that the Williams Lake Fire Department has received a 2018 Farm Credit Canada AgriSpirit Fund award. This funding will provide $25,000 towards the purchase of four new Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA 4), which will replace aging MSA Firehawk equipment no longer serviceable as of 2019.

“Due to budget constraints, this equipment replacement was originally intended to be done in phases,” states City of Williams Lake Fire Chief/Director of Protective Service, Erick Peterson. “The support of the FCC AgriSpirit Fund for this necessary equipment replacement will allow the City to acquire this equipment sooner than we had anticipated, and the positive impact will be felt by our firefighters immediately. Ensuring our preparedness is a top priority as we work through another wildfire season, and we are very grateful for the support of the FCC AgriSpirit Fund.”

“The FCC AgriSpirit Fund is about helping community-minded individuals and groups undertake projects that enhance the quality of life in rural Canada,” said Sophie Perreault, FCC executive Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer. “Our employees care about the communities where they live and work, and we share in their pride and sense of accomplishment by lending a helping hand.”

To date, the Williams Lake Fire Department has replaced 17 SCBA units and will now be able to replace the remaining four units required to complete the upgrades.

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