Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Quesnel Council Highlights - Sept 4th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Recycling Services
Council approved staff working towards an expanded Recycle BC depot near the Quesnel landfill location and closing the current drop off locations. Currently contamination rates at the City’s drop off recyclable locations are too high to create marketable products in the global recycling market. Contract details with the City’s contractor and Recycle BC still need to be finalized and more details will be released soon. These changes will not have any effect on the door to door recycling program currently being offered in the City by Emterra which is provided by Recycle BC.
Public Works Yards - Condition Assessment
The City commissioned a Condition Assessment by a professional independent third-party to assess the condition of the City’s existing public works yards/facilities located on Davie Street. The commission was awarded to West Edge Engineering Ltd., based out of Kamloops, BC. The Condition Assessment provides recommendations for each specific building, but highlighted the following concerns that are common to all of the Davie Street public works yards/buildings:
  • Flood plain issues make the existing site very susceptible to flooding; it has been temporarily abandoned a number of times due to flooding.
  • Advanced age of each building, with the expected condition issues.
  • Lack of effectiveness of these buildings, given they were initially designed for other purposes.
  • Lack of modern building code compliance, this includes a lack of compliance with building safety issues such as fire separation and ventilation requirements, lack of adequate washrooms, lack of gender balanced facilities, lack of insulation, etc.
  • Lack of seismic design for each building.
Next steps include Quesnel voters to vote “yes” or “no” to the following question during the October 2018 Local Government Election: “Are you in favour of the City of Quesnel adopting City of Quesnel New Public Works Facility Loan Authorization Bylaw No. 1854 of 2018 which will authorize Council to borrow a sum not exceeding eight and half million dollars ($8,500,000), repayable over a period of no more than thirty (30) years, for the development and construction of a new Public Works Facility?” Important Note: The results of the Assent Vote (Referendum) will determine if the proposed bylaw will proceed for final adoption, or be defeated.
Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development – Housing Agreement Bylaw
Council gave second reading, as amended, to the proposed Housing Agreement Bylaw 1841 for the proposed 32-unit three storey supportive housing development on Elliott Street. The amendments made to the proposed Housing Agreement Bylaw 1841 are:
  • BC Housing, developer/proponent of housing project, will be responsible for ensuring that non-supportive housing uses do not occur at this site (i.e. service provision to non-residents/shelter uses).
  • BC Housing will be responsible to address any issues developing on the site such as ensuring the Operator is engaged in the Good Neighbour Agreement.
  • BC Housing will be required to find an alternative parking location should the parking variance not meet the need of the site.
  • The Housing Agreement specifies if the owner fails to comply with the terms and conditions of the Housing Agreement, the City may request on 60 days notice, a remedy for any default(s). If the remedy is in excess of 60 days, at the request of the City, the owner (BC Housing) will terminate the Housing Agreement with the Operator, and seek a new Operator who will satisfy the conditions of the Housing Agreement.
Next steps include:
  • Adopt Housing Agreement 
  • Draft and enter into a Good Neighbourhood Agreement with the Operator. 
  • Bring forward a Development Permit to Council for consideration of form and character of building and any required variances.
  • Bring forward the proposed Official Community Plan Amendment and Zoning Amendment Bylaws 1849 and 1850 to Council for final adoption consideration, once the Good Neighbour Agreement has been entered into.
Annual Drinking Water Report
The 2017 Annual Drinking Water Report is now available for the public on the City’s website and at City Hall Front reception.
Bylaw of the Month Program – Storage of Trailers, Boats & Oversized Vehicles
The City’s Zoning Bylaw has specific regulations for residential lots to ensure that oversized vehicles, as well as trailers, recreational vehicles, boats, boat trailers, and other similar vehicles/equipment are sited/stored correctly. These siting regulations are in place to ensure visual quality and clear lines of vision are maintained for everyone’s enjoyment and safety. There is a $100.00 fine for improper storage/siting of these vehicles on residential lots. Please contact the City’s Development Services department for questions/concerns regarding this month’s bylaw of the month topic.
  • 1841 – Proposed Elliott Street Supportive Housing Development (2nd Proposal) – Housing Agreement – Second as Amended
Next Meetings
  • 7 pm, September 18 – Regular Council Meeting 
  • 7 pm, September 25 – Regular Council Meeting

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