Wednesday, September 19, 2018

Reid St Revitalization Project - Sept 19th update

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Phase two concrete is nearing completion. This has been slowed down by rainy weather, however, is expected to be completed by Friday September 20th.
The next step will be the grading and paving of Phase Two. As with the concrete, this is weather permitting. The contractor is scheduled to have the remainder of the project ready to pave next week.
Line painting in the 200 Block of Reid Street and Barlow Ave is nearly complete. The 200 Block of Reid St. and Barlow Ave will be opened to traffic soon but will require partial closures at times for landscaping and street furnishings installation.
Delivery of the streetlight poles has taken longer than expected. Temporary lighting will be installed on Reid St. at the intersections and in late October the final lights will be completed. This will not delay opening up the road to traffic.

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