Saturday, October 20, 2018

2018 Unofficial Election Results - Cariboo Regional District (Electoral Area Directors')

Electoral Area 'A' - Mary Sjostrom
Electoral Area 'B' - Barb Bachmeier
Electoral Area 'C' - John Massier (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'D' - Steve Forseth (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'E' - Angie Delainey
Electoral Area 'F' - Conrad Turcotte
Electoral Area 'G' - Al Richmond (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'H' - Margo Wagner (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'I' - Jim Glassford (by acclamation on September 24th, 2018)
Electoral Area 'J' - Gerald Kirby
Electoral Area 'K' - Chad Mernett
Electoral Area 'L' - Willow Macdonald

On the Question of the proposed North Cariboo Airport Service:

"Are you in favour of the adoption of Bylaw No. 5151, which would provide a contribution of funds for the provision of airport services at the Quesnel Regional Airport? The maximum annual requisition would be the greater of $90,000 or an amount raised by applying a tax rate of $0.0682/$1,000 to the net taxable value of land and improvements in the service area. (Based on 2018 assessed values, the current residential tax rate for the contribution to airport services would be $3.61/$100,000.)"

Yes - 1,044
No - 402

Results are unofficial until next week when official results are released

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