Monday, October 29, 2018

2019 LGLA EOS Sessions

The Local Government Leadership Academy or LGLA announced that registration is open for the 2019 round of Elected or Returning Elected Official Seminars for the 5 UBCM Area Associations plus a session for Electoral Area Directors

For full details - click here

As someone who believes in "life long learning" while in local government and a 2016 recipient of LGLA's Level 1 Certificate in Local Government Leadership (and I'm hoping to apply for and receive LGLA's Level 2 Advanced Certificate in Local Government Leadership in 2019) - I urge everyone in local government, whether elected for the 1st time or returning elected to attend this session - the networking opportunities for newly or returning elected to network with their peers is invaluable and the learning sessions always generates something new to be learned....


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