Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Cariboo RD Area 'B' All Candidates Forum - Oct 1st, 2018

L-R: Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson
and the 3 Candidates for
CRD Area 'B' Director
Last night at a full Bouchie Lake Hall - the 3 candidates to become the new Cariboo RD Area B Director for the 2018-2022 term presented themselves to their "bosses" (Elizabeth Montgomery, Robert Shkuratoff and Barb Bachmeier)

Elected officials in attendance included:

* Quesnel City Councillors Laurey-Anne Roodenburg and John Brisco
* Re-elected CRD Area D Director Steve Forseth

The session was moderated by recently re-elected Quesnel Mayor Bob Simpson

Questions raised included:

* Recycling Opportunities for Area 'B'
* Internet/Cell Phone Connectivity for Area 'B'
* Recreation vis-a-vis use of the Bouchie Lake Hall for local purposes
* Backing local volunteerism..
* Vision for Area 'B' vis-a-vis the North Cariboo sub-region
* Personal Stance on the October 20th Referendum to approve the new North Cariboo Airport Contribution Service

Area 'B' Voters will select their new Area 'B' Director, beginning with Advanced Voting on October 10th/15th and General Voting Day being October 20th.  Best of luck to all of the candidates!


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