Friday, October 5, 2018

Last night's WL Council All Candidates Forum

Last night from 5-9pm in the Gibraltar Room -- Williams Lake City Councillor candidates Sheila Boehm, Ivan Bonnell, Marnie Brenner, Jodie Capling, Tom Hoffman, Dave Moore, Scott Nelson, Jason Ryll and Natasha Wiebe plus Williams Lake Mayoral Candidates Walt Cobb and Surinderpal Rathor were all part of an All Candidates Meet/Greet in an "Open House" format.  The event was hosted by the Williams Lake/District Chamber of Commerce.

The Williams Lake Tribune video interviewed all candidates present and asked them:

1) Why are you seeking a seat on City Council (Mayor/Councillor)?
2) Name one challenge and one opportunity facing the City of Williams Lake?

Watch the video from the Tribune below:

Wearing my "City of Williams Lake voter" hat -- the Meet/Greet session allowed me to certify whom I would be voting for on October 20th.  While not packed to the "rafters", there was certainly a steady stream of Williams Lake voters' talking with the candidates and allowing the candidates to lobby voters' for their vote.  There are no additional "All Candidates" Forums scheduled for those running for Williams Lake Mayor or Councillor, to the best of my knowledge next week or certainly before October 20th.  I was also able to discuss a matter with a City voter in relation to Bull Mountain, putting on my CRD Area D Director hat, during the Meet/Greet session.  I'm hopeful that we'll see improvements to Bull Mountain in 2019....

A reminder that Advanced Voting for Williams Lake City Council (Mayor/Councillor) takes place on Wednesday, October 10th/17th from 8am - 8pm with General Voting Day being Saturday, October 20th.  again 8am -8pm.  Advanced Voting will take place in the Williams Lake City Hall Foyer while General Voting takes place in the Marie Sharpe Elementary Gym.  Unofficial Election Results should be available 30-40 mins after the close of General Voting.  For questions about the voting process on October 10th/17th/20th, Special Voting Opportunities or Mail-In Ballot -- click here

Best of luck to all of the candidates!


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