Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Quesnel Council Highlights - Oct 23rd mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Retirement Presentations - Councillors
With October 23, 2018 being the final Council meeting of the 2014-2018 Council Term, Councillors: John Brisco (7 years), Ed Coleman (7 years), and Sushil Thapar (16 years) were presented with a gift of appreciation for their years of public service as City of Quesnel Elected Official from the three incumbent Councillors: Scott Elliott, Ron Paull, and Laurey-Anne Roodenburg. Mayor Simpson presented the retiring Councillors’ spouses with a gift of appreciation, and wished everyone all the best in their retirements.
Council Members – Final Annual Reports
All Members of Council presented their final reports for the 2014-2018 Council Term outlining Council’s achievements in 2018 and, for some Councillors, reflections on their past years of public service.
Council Remuneration
The Council Remuneration Reference Group, comprised of outgoing Councillors: John Brisco, Ed Coleman, and Sushil Thapar, were asked to look at the Council Remuneration Policy due to the Canada Revenue Agency’s policy to eliminate the federal one third tax exemption on Elected Officials’ remuneration effective January 1, 2019. Council approved a portion of the Council Remuneration Reference Group recommendations, effective January 1, 2019, as follows:
  • Increase remuneration by 12.4% for the Mayor, and 10.5% for Councillors to offset the effect of one third of remuneration no longer being tax free
  • Additional compensation for Acting Mayor to $200 per month
  • Additional compensation for Standing Chair Committee to $100 per month
  • Additional compensation for Select Chair Committee to $50 per month
  • Increase the Mayor’s salary by an additional $5,000 and Councillors by an additional $1,750 in recognition of the work required as the city is a community in transition
  • Receive a City of Quesnel jacket, valued at approximately $100
Cannabis Retail – Land Use Policy
At the October 2, 2018 Council meeting, Council approved one retail store to be located in the downtown core (C-3 zone) that would be publicly-owned and regulated by the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch. However, after City staff had discussions with the Liquor and Cannabis Regulations Branch’s representative on where to locate a possible cannabis store, it was determined there are minimal vacant retail spaces in the downtown (C-3 zone) that would be compatible for this use. Therefore, Council approved City staff’s recommendation to amend the Cannabis Retail Bylaw to extend a publically-owned retail cannabis store permitted use to be included in the West Quesnel Business District (C-2 zone). Other bylaw changes include:
  • Restrictions will prevent a cannabis store from being located within:
    • 1000m of another cannabis store;
    • 50m of a secondary or junior school;
    • 100m of a playground or playfield; or
    • 30m of a residentially zoned property.
Next steps include: 
  • Adopt zoning policy; 
  • Create a business license fee; and 
  • Develop procedures for reviewing application, obtaining resident feedback and providing comment to the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch.
  • 1845 – Cannabis Regulations – Rescind Second Reading, Second Reading As Amended, and Re-affirm the Public Hearing Set for 6 pm, Tuesday, November 20, 2018 at City Hall Council Chambers
  • 1854 – Loan Authorization Bylaw for New Public Works Facility – Final Adoption
Next Meetings
  • 6 pm, November 6 – Inaugural/Swearing-In Ceremony – Newly Elected Council (Term 2018 – 2022)
  • 5:30 pm, November 13 – North Cariboo Joint Planning Committee

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