Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Upcoming Proportional Representation Sessions

There are two presentations on Proportional Representation with the mail in referendum currently underway.  With two presentations this week, there is no reason that you can not cast an informed vote for or against the Province's proposal...

Details below:

Wednesday, October 24th:

7 pm at Thompson Rivers University.

Speakers are J. Sanders -- Fair Vote Canada, and Prince George columnist and Stand Up For The North representative Peter Ewart.

The two will explain all you need to know about the upcoming referendum on electoral reform.

The event is hosted by the Council of Canadians, Williams Lake Chapter

Friday, October 26:

TIME: 6:30-8:30 pm
LOCATION: Lake City Secondary School - Williams Lake Campus - Commons

Moderator: Jason Ryll

For Electoral Reform:

Sally Watson NDP Candidate Cariboo Chilcotin during last Provincial Election
Michael Atwood Council of Canadians

Against Electoral Reform:

MLA Donna Barnett Cariboo Chilcotin Riding
MLA Mike Morris Prince George-Mackenzie Riding

This event is hosted by the Williams Lake and District Chamber of Commerce

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