"Walt Cobb has earned and deserves to be voted in as Mayor for another term. He has helped move the City to a much better place in every area... with the help of a great team... and I hope for- Scott (Nelson), Ivan (Bonnell), Craig (Smith) and Jason (Ryll) - to be re-elected as they have also done a great job and have earned their way back to the table...Good luck to Marnie Bremner and Sheila Boehm, they are campaiging hard and will bring much needed, diverse voices to the table!!!!Comments posted in response agreed with her sentiments...
Let' keep the momentum going for a great, safe, diversified, healthy and friendly community"
As I said before - incumbents, once elected, are generally hard to vote out, especially if the community is generally satisfied with their performance.
Next week - there are no All Candidate Forums scheduled, to the best of my knowledge, prior to the October 20th General Voting Day/City of Williams Lake Local Election and there is still the Wednesday, October 17th Advanced Voting Day #2 - City of Williams Lake Local Election from 8am -8pm in the foyer area of Williams Lake City Hall
With only 8 days left in the 2018 Civic Election Campaign -- it really is now up to the candidates and their supporters/campaign teams now to get out the vote... and I would strongly encourage everyone to get out and vote on Saturday, October 20th (or in the upcoming advanced voting opportunities in the days ahead), regardless of where you live in the Cariboo-Chilcotin and which ever candidate(s) you personally support!
I'm very much looking forward (and suspect many others) to the final unofficial results on October 20th after 8pm... A reminder that you can view those directly at https://bc.localelections.ca/candidates/index_m.html
Sage advice that needs to be taken with a grain of salt,from the city councilor implicated in the most prolific number of "conflicts of interest"investigations of any member of City Council in WL history!