Friday, November 30, 2018

Change to SD27 Superintendent

Courtesy of the Board of Education -- School District #27 (Cariboo-Chilcotin):

Effective Friday, November 30, 2018, Superintendent of Schools Mark Wintjes has left his role as a senior district leader. Mr. Wintjes has expressed a desire to return to teaching and will commence that work on January 28, 2019 at the beginning of second semester. The Board wishes Mr. Wintjes the very best in his return to teaching and thanks him for his time and effort as superintendent.

The Board has appointed Diane Wright as Interim Superintendent, commencing December 3, 2018. The recruitment process for a long-term district leader will start immediately. The Board welcomes Diane Wright back to the district and thanks her for her willingness to provide leadership during this transition period.

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