Thursday, November 8, 2018

Inaugural Mtg/2018-22 Cariboo RD Board of Directors'


Directors-elect M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, J. Massier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey, A. Richmond, M. Wagner, J. Glassford, G. Kirby, C. Mernett, W. Macdonald, G. Fourchalk, W. Cobb and M. Campsall

Members of the public
Members of local media

Meeting called to order at 9am by the Deputy CAO (A. Johnston)

Invocation performed by Williams Lake Indian Band Elder Virginia Gilbert

Oaths of Office for all Electoral Area and Municipal Directors' was conducted by Provincial Court Judge P. Whyte 

Election of Chair/Vice-Chair:

Director Richmond nominated Director Wagner for Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for 2019.  Director Wagner consented to her nomination 

The Deputy CAO called 3 times for further nominations.  None received.  The Deputy CAO declared Director Wagner Chair of the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors' for 2019

Director Forseth nominated Director Massier for Vice-Chair of the Cariboo Regional District for 2019.  Director Massier consented to his nomination 

The Deputy CAO called 3 times for further nominations.  None received.  The Deputy CAO declared Director Massier Vice-Chair of the Cariboo Regional District Board of Directors' for 2019

Orientation Session:

The Board received a 3 part Orientation Session, as follows:

a) Presentation by CivicLegal
b) Presentations by CRD Staff
c) Presentation by the newly elected CRD Chair

The Board agreed to adjourn at 4:20pm

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