Thursday, November 22, 2018

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 20th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

Snow removal budget
Due to larger than normal snow volume in early 2018, the snow removal costs are anticipated to exceed budget allocation this year. Snow removal will continue as per policyand any costs exceeding budget will be allocated from the snow removal reserve and/or 2018 surplus funds.
Council Committees & Appointments
Council has approved the Council Committees & Appointments Schedule “A”, with the exception of the Quesnel Volunteer Citizen of the Year Committee. Councillor Roodenburg will investigate the potential for a community volunteer appreciation event and report back to Council.
Contravention of Municipal Building Regulations
Council directed staff to file notices with the Land Title Office stating the following properties are in contravention of the City’s Building Bylaw:
  • 1261 Smith Avenue is in contravention of Section 7 of Bylaw No. 1550, 2003; 
  • 721 Shepherd Avenue is in contravention of Section 7 of Bylaw No. 1550, 2003; and
  • 2000 Woodridge Road is in contravention of Section 7 of Bylaw No. 1550, 2003.
Properties must be brought into compliance prior to applying to the City to have this notice removed from the property’s land title.
Indigenous Cultural Centre
The City of Quesnel and Lhtako Dene Nation have partnered to create a shared vision of an Indigenous Cultural Centre at Ceal Tingley Park, the site of a prior Lhtako settlement and the first European contact. The Centre will provide a local home for Lhtako history and artifacts currently housed at UBC and, will serve as a gathering place for the whole community. Alfred Waugh, a revered Canadian Indigenous Architect has been secured to prepare a design for the site. Quesnel City Council approved funding for a quantity survey for the proposed Indigenous Cultural Centre to determine the project cost that will be used to apply to the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program, Community, Culture and Recreation stream.
Northern Development Initiative Trust Grant Applications
Council approved the following NDIT grant applications: $50,000 Economic Development Capacity Building, $8,000 Grant Writing support, $20,000 Business Façade Improvement, $35,000 Local Government Management Intern and $16,475 Marketing Initiatives.
Union of B.C. Municipalities Grant
Council approved the following UBCM grant applications: $25,000 Evacuation Route Planning and $15,000 Age Friendly Communities Stream 2.
Dedication of Veterans’ Way
Councillor Paull will continue to work with Staff to further develop the concept for the proposed Veteran’s Way project. The goal is to have the commemoration in place for the 2019 Remembrance Day ceremony and a report will return for Council review at a future meeting.
Electronic Fund Transfers and Accounts Payable Reports
EFTs and accounts payable summary reports will now be posted to the Financial Sustainability & Audit Committee Agendas on a quarterly basis, rather than detailed reports being included on council agendas. These will appear January, April, July, and October and can be located at
Southern Mountain Caribou
Quesnel City Council directed staff to prepare a letter of support to align with the Interior Mayors and Chairs letter of November 16, 2018 to Premier Horgan, which outlined concerns about the current process between the provincial and federal governments to achieve a section 11 Conservation Agreement for caribou protection and the lack of consultation with affected communities.
Bylaw 1845 – Cannabis Regulations
Council defeated this Bylaw and provided direction to staff to revisit policy options on cannabis retail stores including: permitting private and government cannabis stores in the community; the number of stores that should be allowed within the community; the proximity to schools and parks; and process options developed for application review in other communities.

1845 – Zone Amendment - cannabis production and the retail sale or distribution of cannabis – DEFEATED
1859 – City of Quesnel Council Procedure Bylaw – First Reading

Next Meetings

6 pm, November 27 – Regular Council Meeting
6 pm; December 4 – Regular Council Meeting

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