Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Quesnel Council Highlights - Nov 27th mtg

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

University of Northern British Columbia Environmental Planning Class present to Council
Five UNBC planning students and their instructor attended as a delegation to share their insights from a community engagement project they conducted earlier this fall examining the impacts of the Reid Street revitalization initiative. Each student presented Council with their insights and recommendations about how Quesnel can better present itself online, utilize the Fraser and Quesnel Rivers and downtown core as a hub of activity and enterprise, reintegrate the homeless into society, revise bylaws to promote diverse use of our outdoor spaces, use public seating to make Reid Street a gathering and socializing space and, diversify our zoning bylaws to allow a broader range of businesses in the downtown core to expand the activity to all hours of the day. Mayor Simpson thanked the delegation and outlined some of the current City initiatives that align with the ideas presented:
  • Addition of a Marketing Coordinator 
  • New Tourism and visitor attraction videos being developed 
  • The riverfront visioning project 
  • The Elliott Street Housing project 
  • Review of the current Outdoor CafĂ© bylaw to take advantage of the new wider sidewalks on Reid St.
Comprehensive Fees & Charges Bylaw
Council approved changes outlined in Director Bolton’s report. Proposed changes include increases to sewer, water, landfill, commercial garbage, cemetery and airport fees in addition to other minor changes to various fee schedules.
The revised bylaw can be viewed on the November 27, 2018 Agenda.
Cannabis Retail
  • Prepare a zoning amendment permitting cannabis retail in the Central Business District Commercial (C-3), the West Quesnel Business District (C-2) and Highway Commercial District (C-4);
  • Develop a council policy to guide the review and decision process on a case by case basis for applications, with no limits on the number of applications to be received from the Liquor and Cannabis Regulation Branch, specifying considerations such as site distances from schools, parks and playgrounds, etc.; and 
  • Proceed with the cannabis retail license application process with 1412 Holdings Ltd.
Downtown Parking
Effective immediately, the parking lot behind the post office will return to 24 hour public parking. Staff are to review signage to confirm that overnight camping is not permitted. The City will reengage the Quesnel Downtown Association in the new year to discuss if there is a need for a designated staff parking area.
Wayfinding Strategy Implementation
Economic Development Officer Reid’s report was brought forward for information to bring new Council up to date on this initiative. Financial considerations for the sign project will be reviewed at the Financial Sustainability & Audit Committee.
Municipal Regional District Tax Facilitator
Council allocated $10,000 from the Council Initiatives budget toward contracting a facilitator to assist the City with the Municipal Regional District Tax application.
1860 – Comprehensive Fees and Charges Bylaw – First, Second and Third Reading
Next Meetings
6 pm; December 4 – Regular Council Meeting
6 pm; December 18 – Regular Council Meeting

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