Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Technology the Focus of “TechDev 101” Workshop on December 5, 2018

Courtesy of the City of Williams Lake:

The City of Williams Lake has sponsored a workshop aimed at bringing the tech community together to consider how using technology and innovation can become an economic driver for the region. The Ministry of Jobs, Trade and Technology is hosting a workshop series called “TechDev101” across the province. The Williams Lake workshop will be held at the TRU Williams Lake campus on Wednesday, December 5, 2018 from 9 am to 4 pm. It is free to attend, and includes lunch sponsored by the City of Williams Lake.
“We are pleased to co-host this event with TRU, and welcome participants from the Cariboo region that are in the technology or economic development fields,” says Beth Veenkamp, Economic Development Officer for the City of Williams Lake. “The truth is that even though tech is not a highly visible sector in the Cariboo, it does exist all around us in different fields such as health care, heavy industry, and education. The purpose of this workshop is to bring these people together to gain a greater understanding of who our current leaders are in innovative technologies, and how as a community we can work with our local governments and institutions to do a better job of supporting this talent to facilitate growth.”
“The Province of BC is a leader in tech growth, and the aim of this workshop is to assist rural regions to capitalize on the opportunities that the tech sector can bring,” continues Veenkamp. “With the use of technology, we already know that people can work from anywhere. It is not unrealistic to promote places like Williams Lake as a base of operations, or a satellite site for workers in this industry. With the changes predicted in our traditional economic drivers like forestry, the potential to re-purpose shut down sites for technology hubs provides a real opportunity to bring in investment and talent. In economic development, we have seen a shift from communities looking for “smoke-stacks” to provide good paying jobs, and we now look for opportunities for “server-stacks”. The Cariboo region has a lot to gain from working together to attract these companies.”
For more information, contact Beth Veenkamp, Economic Development Officer, at, or call 250-392-8480 / 250-302-1585.

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