Tuesday, November 20, 2018

WL Council Highlights - November 20th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors S. Boehm, I. Bonnell, S. Nelson, J. Ryll and C. Smith

Meeting called to order at 6pm

Meeting Agenda with the late item adopted and Minutes of the Regular Meeting of WL City Council on October 30th, 2018 and the Inaugural Meeting of the 2018-2022 Williams Lake City Council on November 6th, 2018 were both received/adopted


1) Mike Lawrence & Chad Mernett from Interior Roads appeared before Council to discuss Winter Preparedness Program for Public Roads

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked the delegation for their time/information

2) Anne Burrill, Project Lead appeared before Council to discuss Overview of Thrive Community Poverty Reduction Project - click here

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Ms. Burrill for their time/information

3) Jeff Pelley, RCMP Inspector/Williams Lake Detachment Commander appeared before Council to present Police Commission Report for October 2018

A Question/Answer period ensued

Mayor Cobb, on behalf of Council, thanked Inspector Pelley for his time/information

Resolved - That the Police Commission report for Ocrober 2018 by RCMP Inspector / Detachment Commander Jeff Pelley be received.



1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated October 15, 16, 22, 23, 24, 25, November 1, 2 and 8, 2018

2) Council authorized registration, travel, accommodation and associated expenses for interested Council members to attend the Local Government Leadership Academy's (LGLA) Elected Officials Seminar from January 30 to February 1, 2019 in Prince George, BC.

General Governance:

1) Council ratified an email poll to authorize the raising of the national Metis flag in honour of Louis Riel on November 16, 2018

At 6:55pm - Councillor Nelson declared a potential/perceived conflict of interest on the next few items and left Council Chambers

2) After receiving no public input - Council approved Development Variance Permit No. 05-2018 for ICE Development Ltd., on behalf of BC Retail Partners (Boitanio Mall) Ltd. Inc. No. 688286, to vary Section 223 (1) – “Cannabis Related Regulations” of City of Williams Lake Zoning Bylaw No. 1825, 2002 to reduce the minimum distance requirement for a retail cannabis store from the Cariboo Memorial Recreation Complex from 300m to 260m, for the proposed provincial retail cannabis store only, on Lot A, District Lot 71, Cariboo District, Plan EPP78192, located at 850 Oliver Street. Council divided - Motion agreed to by the following vote:

Affirmative - Mayor Cobb and Councillors Bonnell and Ryll
Negative - Councillors S. Boehm and C. Smith

3) Council agreed to provide approval of the proposed Provincial Retail Cannabis Provincial License application made by Daily Stash Cannabis Ltd. on the subject property at 250 Mackenzie Avenue South, subject to receipt of a comprehensive security plan to be approved by the RCMP, and satisfactory criminal record checks of the applicant and the store manager.

4) Council directed City Staff to initiate the public notification process for a proposed retail cannabis store to be located at 3015 Mackenzie Avenue North and public comments be brought back to Council for final consideration after completion of the public notification process

5) Council directed City Staff to respond to BC LCRB stating that the proposed retail cannabis store location at 68 Broadway Avenue North (Marlee's Den) is within 500m of another retail cannabis store and as such, a Development Variance Permit application is required to be submitted by the applicant and considered by Council prior to Council’s final recommendation to BC LCRB. Council policy directs that the DVP public notification will incorporate the provincial public consultation process

6) Council directed City Staff to respond to BC LCRB stating that the proposed retail cannabis store location at 94 Second Avenue North (Flora) is within 500m of another retail cannabis store and as such, a Development Variance Permit application is required to be submitted by the applicant and considered by Council prior to Council’s final recommendation to BC LCRB. Council policy directs that the DVP public notification will incorporate the provincial public consultation process

At 7:19pm - Councillor Nelson returned to Council Chambers

7) Council received applications for a Development Permit/Development Variance Permit for property at 1238 Broadway Avenue South (old Shell gas station), directed City Staff to conduct the usual public notifications and the matter return to Council on December 18th for formal consideration

8) Council authorized City Staff to add the Highway 97 and Broadway Avenue South Intersection Improvements Project to the 2019 Capital Budget, and bring forward the necessary bylaw to allocate a contribution from the Development Cost Charge (DCC) Road Reserves for the upgrade of the intersection at Broadway Avenue South and Highway 97 South (adjacent to 1712 Broadway Avenue South) as required by the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure for approval of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2260 for the property located at 1704 Broadway Avenue South, subject to an appropriate access plan from Highway 97, approved by the Ministry of Transportation/Infrastructure

9) Council directed City Staff to issue notice of the zoning amendment application for Bylaw No. 2260 to rezone the subject property located at 1704 Broadway Avenue South to surrounding property owners and tenants within a 100 metre radius of the subject property, and the Public Hearing be scheduled when a satisfactory access plan from Highway 97 is received from the Ministry of Transportation/Infrastructure

10) Council received information regarding the OCP amendment public consultation meeting held on November 20, 2018, and comments from the Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure on the proposed development at 1946 Broadway Avenue South, gave 2nd Reading to OCP Amendment Bylaw No. 2292 and Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2293 and that a Public Hearing be held on the matter on December 18th, 2018 and that adoption of Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 2293 be subject to the required 15m right of way dedication for highway purposes by Ministry of Transportation and Infrastructure


1) Council received correspondence, as follows:

a) That the Carson Drive and Toop Road Intersection Improvements Progress Report from the Ministry of Transportation & Infrastructure dated November 14, 2018 for their Highway 97 upgrade project be received for information.

b) That the Minutes of the Special Central Cariboo / City of Williams Lake Joint Committee Meeting held November 1, 2018 be received and endorsed.

c) That the request from the Williams Lake Community Band in their letter dated November 3, 2018 requesting the waiving of the janitorial service fee for their use of the Council Chambers on the evening of Friday, December 14, 2018 for their annual Christmas concert be approved.

Other Business:

1) Late Item --  Council approved the allocation of $5,000 in the 2019 budget toward, and the application to, the Destination BC Co-operative Marketing Partnership Program to participate in the Regional Consortium initiative known as #ExploreCariboo

2) Late Item #2 - Council agreed to write to the Cariboo-Chilcotin Regional Hospital District Board requesting it include a helipad as part of the Cariboo Memorial Hospital Renovation Project's Capital Budget (40% CCRHD/60% Province of BC)

3) Council Information Package as of November 20th was received, as follows:

a) November 9, 2018 - CRD Board Highlights;
b) November 16, 2018 - NDIT Summer/Fall 2018 Quarterly Report

4) Members of Council/CAO reported out on their recent activities

Media Question Period

Council agreed to adjourn at 8:22pm

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