Thursday, December 27, 2018

2018 Cariboo RD Area 'D' Annual Report

As we wind down 2018 and I commence serving my 2nd term (and thank YOU, the Area 'D' voter, for graciously giving me the opportunity to serve you for a 2nd term)… I thought I would report on the year that was (2018) and look forward to 2019....

Firstly - let me thank all of you in the various communities that make up Electoral Area 'D' - whether you live in South Marguerite, McAlister, McLeese Lake, Tyee Lake, Soda Creek Valley, Deep Creek, Xat'sull, Wildwood, Pine Valley, Commodore Heights, Mile 168 Rd, Soda Creek Road or Fox Mountain - for the great honour to serve you as the Cariboo Regional District Electoral Area 'D' Director. It is a privilege that I take very seriously as I work in partnership with you to make your rural neighborhood the desirous place you wish it to be. Thanks also to all of YOU for your warm/encouraging/constructive criticism comments as I served you this past year. It's nice to know that I'm doing the right things on your behalf or providing me with feedback to better serve you. All comments are always welcomed/appreciated...

In addition, I would like to thank the Cariboo Regional District Board Chair (and Area 'H' Director) Margo Wagner who has ensured that I feel supported in my role as it can be lonely some days as the sole representative for Electoral Area 'D' but she has also challenged me to be the best for our collective regional residents (in addition to Area 'D' residents) and  for that, I am grateful for her feedback as well .... as well as many of my past and current Cariboo RD Director colleagues for their past and on-going support... it is appreciated...

Also - thank you to ALL of the volunteers in the aforementioned communities, it is thanks to your efforts that these rural communities are such great places to live.

As to initiatives that I have been working on this past year:

1) 2019 Cariboo Regional District (CRD) Draft Budget

I am pleased to report that the Regional's District's Finance Committee, which I Chair, has recommended an overall Regional District budget tax requisition increase of 3.3% for its' 127 Services for 2019. The first 0.4% is in relation to 3 new services that will commence in 2019 which includes:

* North Cariboo Airport Contribution Service - Electoral Areas A, B, C, and I
* Benjamin Water Service - Electoral Area 'A'
* Lexington Water Service - Electoral Area 'F'

The remainder of 2.9% is in relation to either inflationary challenges (Hydro, ICBC, new Employer Health Tax, etc.) or approved 2019 Business Plan Goals. The Regional Board will consider the recommendations of the Finance Committee in relation to the draft 2019 Cariboo RD Budget at its' January 18th, 2019 meeting. If the recommendations of the Finance Committee are endorsed (which is expected as the Budget was approved in committee unanimously) - the draft 2019 Budget will undergo public consultation by way of posting the budget/business plans on the CRD Website at

Within Electoral Area 'D', you will see, generally, a "status quo" budget. All functions of the CRD that Area D residents' pay for will see either no or very modest increases

Once the draft 2019 Budget/Business Plans are posted in late January -- As always - if you have concerns about any aspect of the Regional District budget you can reach out to me on Facebook (click here), via email at or by phone at 250-267-6725

2) McLeese Lake Community Hall

I continue to work with the McLeese Lake Recreation Commission to secure grants to improve the Hall through energy efficiency projects, etc. in 2018 and this will continue into 2019. Their key project they have indicated for 2019 is the upgrading of the Hall's Kitchen. Looking forward to seeing the final product

3) McLeese Lake/Tyee Lake Volunteer Fire Departments' (MLVFD/TLVFD)

Much progress was made by the MLVFD Society to get the MLVFD more fully operational for the community's needs. The CRD gave the MLVFD Society Grants for Assistance in 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018 and 2019 in the amount of $5,000. Their fundraising efforts still continue, as many Independent Fire Departments do throughout BC. The Society is still working on a plan to construct a Fire Hall in 2019 and the last conversation I had with them was that their plan for 2019 was very promising so stay tuned for those details.

At the request of the Tyee Lake Community Association -- a Grant for Assistance has been approved for the Tyee Lake Volunteer Fire Department (TLVFD) to acquire fire equipment for their VFD in the amount of $10,470 for 2019. Like the MLVFD - The Tyee Fire Department is hopeful that in 2019, they too can construct a building for their fire department needs...

4) Soda Creek Cemetery

I received a request from the caretakers' of the Soda Creek Cemetery for possible funding to update the fencing at the old Soda Creek Cemetery back in late 2015. I was not able to make progress on this item as I would have liked so I'm hoping to make further progress on this item in 2019. I will be checking in with them in Spring 2019 to see how they are progressing...

5) Dog Control Service - Commodore Heights/Pine Valley/Wildwood

Work on this item continues but it is slow work due to competing demands on Staff time...

6) Old Wildwood School Site/Wildwood VFD Fire Training Centre

Work on these two items continues and as new information becomes available, I will report on those here and on my Area D Director Facebook page as well as the local "Wildwood Speak Up Facebook page...

7) Building Inspection in Area D

Work on this item continues with my Area E colleague, Angie Delainey, however it is very slow work, due to how the item was approved for Tyee/McLeese Lake in 2006 and the provincial rules in relation to removing a RD Regulatory Service in an Electoral Area(s).  Director Delainey and I hope to discuss this further in Spring 2019 with the BC Ministry of Municipal Affairs' Deputy Minister.

After that meeting, we both should have an idea about what the next steps might look like...

8) Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)

The Board has approved applying for funding to create a new Cariboo RD Electoral Areas CWPP.  Our current CWPP dates back to 2006 so it is timely considering the Region's wildfires of 2017 and 2018

If the funding is approved in 2019, then I would seek to have public meetings within Electoral Area 'D' in relation to developing the CWPP.  The Cariboo RD would also work, I would imagine, with the municipalities in the Cariboo RD (Wells, Quesnel, Williams Lake and 100 Mile House) to ensure that our CWPP works hand-in-hand with their CWPP

9) 2019 North Central Local Government Association's AGM/Convention (NCLGA)

This year's NCLGA AGM/Convention will be held in Wiliams Lake in May 2019.  The Convention is being co-hosted by the City of WL/Cariboo RD.  The last time this occurred was in May 2007.  The last NCLGA AGM/Convention in the Cariboo-Chilcotin was in the City of Quesnel in May 2013...

Other initiatives that I was involved with in 2018 included:

* Attended 2018 LGLA/NCLGA and UBCM Conferences in Richmond, Fort Nelson and Whistler respectively

* Financial Contributions to Tyee Lake Community Association AGM, Wildwood Community Association and Xat'sull Save the Salmon event at the Xat'sull Heritage Village in the Soda Creek Valley

* Continue to participate on the Public Liaison Committee with respect to Mt Polley
* Participate on the Gibraltar Mines Technical Advisory Committee
* Capital Financial Contribution in 2018 to the Williams Lake Direct Farmers Market Association, along with Areas E and F

* Serve on the Regional District's Policy/Emergency Preparedness Committees in 2018 and I have requested to continue to serve on these Committees in 2019 and I should know if I will be serving on these in 2019 by late January 2019...

* Presentations of 30 years of service to Wildwood VFD Fire Chief Randy Worsley in May (Cariboo RD) and November (Governor-General)...

* Appointed Chair of the Regional District's Finance Committee by CRD Chair Margo Wagner for 2019

* Recently applied for a Director-at-Large position on the NCLGA Board, as a result of vacancies on that Board resulting from the 2018 local government elections.  I should know in early January 2019 if my application is successful and if successful in an NCLGA Director-at-Large appointment, I will have to run for re-election to the NCLGA Board at the 2019 NCLGA AGM/Convention in Williams Lake

And much more....

In addition, the vast majority (7 of 8) of the 2014-18 Area D Advisory Planning Committee members have been or will be re-appointed for a 2nd term as well as the Area D's Alternate Director, Ms Phyllis Webstad who resides in Wildwood.  I do appreciate their efforts in providing me with their advice, comments, etc and I thank them all for agreeing to serve with me for a 2nd term in their respective roles...

In 2019 - I plan to report out on what I'm up to as often as I can plus my monthly expenses/meeting calendar as well - both here and on my Facebook page which you can view at

On my own behalf - I wish ALL of your families a very happy/healthy 2019 and thank you for all you do in Electoral Area 'D' during 2018....

Respectfully submitted,

Steve Forseth
Director - Electoral Area 'D' (Commodore Heights - McLeese Lake)
Cariboo Regional District
Ph: 250-267-6725

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