Sunday, December 16, 2018

2018 McLeese Lake Christmas Community Dinner

From L-R: Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes,
ML Recreation Society President Steve Relkov
and "Santa Clause"
Last night, the community of McLeese Lake gathered for their annual Christmas Community Dinner

Special Guest of Honour was Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes who stayed before dinner was served to say hello to the community before she had to head up to the communities of Alexandria and Kersley for Christmas Dinners there.  Alexandria/Kersley are both located within Cariboo RD Electoral Area 'A'

After a wonderfully prepared dinner - Steve Relkov, who is serving this year as President of the McLeese Lake Recreation Society/Commission, provided the community with an update as to the activities of the Society in 2018.  I said a few words of thanks to the community and indicated that I was looking forward to working with the community of McLeese Lake in 2019 and wished them all a very Merry Christmas!

My personal thanks to Cariboo-North MLA Coralee Oakes for her ability to attend this year's McLeese Lake Christmas Community Dinner and everyone who played a role in making this year's McLeese Lake Christmas Community Dinner such a wonderful event it is every year...


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