Tuesday, December 4, 2018

WL Council Highlights - Dec 4th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb; Councillors S. Boehm, I. Bonnell, M. Brenner, S. Nelson, J. Ryll and C. Smith

Meeting Agenda approved/Minutes of the November 20th WL Council received/adopted

Delegations - None



1) Council received for information the accounts payable computer cheque and EFT listings dated October 26 and November 2, 6, 12, 15, 21, 22, 23, 27, 28, and 29, 2018

2) Council approved an application and provide a resolution to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Grant Writing Support program, with funding from the City of Williams Lake in the amount of $2,500 to be provided in the City's 2019-2023 Financial Plan.

3) Council approved an application and provide a resolution to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Local Government Internship Program, with funding from City of Williams Lake in the amount of $10,000 to be provided in the 2019-2023 Financial Plan.

4) Council approved an application and provide a resolution to the Northern Development Initiative Trust (NDIT) Economic Development Capacity Building Program.

5) Council supported an application to the Province's Community Resiliency Investment Program (CRI), and, if the grant application is approved, agreed to add the FireSmart Community project to the City's Emergency Planning 2019 budget as a strategic priority.

6) Council approved meals, travel, accommodation, Council compensation and other associated expenses for Mayor Cobb to attend the BC Natural Resource Forum held on January 22-24, 2019 in Prince George

7) Council approved meals, travel, Council compensation and other associated expenses for Mayor Cobb to attend the Council of Forest Industries 2019 Annual Convention in Prince George, BC on April 3-5, 2019

General Governance:

1) Council received a report from its' General Governance Committee outlining Development Services' 2019/2020 Workplace Priorities and referred it to the 2019 Budget process for consideration

2) Council proclaimed January 2, 2018 as "Wrestling Day" in the City of Williams Lake, pursuant to Policy No. 115

3) After receiving no public input -- Council approved Development Variance Permit No. 06-2018 with respect to property at 1277 South Lakeside Drive

4) Council approved renewal of the rural fringe Fire Protective Services Agreement with the Cariboo Regional District for a further two-year term effective January 1, 2019, and the Mayor and Corporate Officer were authorized to sign the agreement on behalf of the City.

5) Council authorized Staff to initiate Public Notice of lease of the Pinchbeck Park portion of the Stampede Grounds to Cariboo Heritage Park Society, excluding the Pinchbeck Grave site, for a three-year term with provisions to renew, at a lease rate of $1.00 per year plus a $250 administrative charge, for the purpose of developing Heritage Park and that a Public Information Meeting be held prior to Council formally considering leasing the Pinchbeck Park portion of the Stampede Grounds to the Cariboo Heritage Park Society

Public Works:

1) Council deferred consideration of awarding the contract for the supply of unleaded gasoline and diesel to RMA Fuel for the tendered price of $1.1479 per litre of Unleaded and $1.2190 per litre of Diesel to the next Council meeting


1) Council gave 1st, 2nd and 3rd Reading to Bylaw #2297 - City of Williams Lake General Capital Reserve Fund Repeal Bylaw

2) Council rescinded 3rd Reading of City of Williams Lake Fee Amendment Bylaw No. 2286 as given on July 24, 2018 and the Bylaw be amended to reflect increase of a per passenger fee of $5 and Terminal Fees to increase by $5; and that City of Williams Lake Fee Amendment Bylaw No. 2286 be given 3rd Reading as amended.

Committee of the Whole Recommendations:

1) Council endorsed recommendations from the Nov 27th Committee of the Whole Session, as follows:

a) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #33-2018, the report of the Chief Financial Officer dated November 7, 2018 regarding a review of the City's existing Fee for Service agreements through 2019, together with the letter and application from the Downtown Williams Lake Business Improvement Association (DWLBIA) dated November 8, 2018, be received and Council approve entering into a Fee for Service agreement with the DWLBIA for $3,500 toward their 2019 Winter Lights event.

b) That pursuant to the Committee of Whole Council Report #34-2018, Council endorse the Community Wildfire Protection Plan initiative and refer the Plan to our neighboring First Nations communities, the Cariboo Regional District, Federal and Provincial governments, Tolko, West Fraser and other local forest companies.

c) That pursuant to the Committee of Whole Council Report #35-2018. Council endorse the Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) and apply to the federal and provincial governments for funding to employ the proposed secretariat position to oversee implementation of the recommendations contained within the CWPP.

d) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #36-2018, Council apply to the Federal and Provincial governments for funding to implement the Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

e) That pursuant to Committee of Whole Council Report #37-2018, that Council write a letter to Union of British Columbia Municipalities and the Federal and Provincial governments requesting they lobby the National Insurance Board to provide incentives to home owners to fire smart their properties.

f) That pursuant to the Committee of Whole Council Report #38-2018, the report of Councillor Nelson dated November 15, 2018 be received and

* Council convert existing City-owned buildings and infrastructure to LED lighting, including streetlights and crosswalks, with a completion target of 48 months;

* Council convert its existing 372 streetlights to LED lighting, and apply for grants to assist in the upgrade to LED lighting for streetlights and for City facilities and infrastructure;

* Council request BC Hydro to convert the 862 old streetlights owned by BC Hydro to new LED lights at no cost to the City;

* Council request Staff to review options to purchase the poles currently rented from BC Hydro at a cost of $150,000 per year, with an option to purchase, and that staff provide an estimated cost to be included in the 2019 budget for LED upgrade program initiatives;

* Council adopt a policy that any new City-owned facility or infrastructure, or facilities and infrastructure built in partnership with the City, have LED lighting.

Other Business:

Council received the Council Information Package, as of Dec 4th, 2018 as follows:

* November 27, 2018 - Prime Minister's Exceptional Educator Awards - Call for Nominations

Roundtable Session -- Members of Council/CAO reported on their activities

Media Question Period -- 2019 Mine Rescue Competition in Williams Lake

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