Tuesday, January 15, 2019

2 New Additions to UBCM Executive

As a result of the October 20th, 2018 BC Local Government Elections -- two seats on the Union of BC Municipalities'  or UBCM Executive were vacated

Accordingly, on November 21st, 2018 -- an advisory to UBCM Members was distributed advising members of the vacancies and welcoming nominations to fill the 2 seats with the deadline to apply being Friday, December 14th, 2018 -- click here

A look at the UBCM's website indicates that the UBCM Executive has now reviewed the list of nominees for the 2 open seats on the UBCM Executive and has decided to appoint the following 2 elected officials to the UBCM Executive until the 2019 UBCM Convention in the City of Vancouver from September 23-27, 2019:

1) Regional District of Kootenay Boundary Area 'C' Director Grace McGregor
2) City of Campbell River Councillor Claire Moglove

The 2 above noted elected officials will hold "Director-at-Large" positions on the UBCM Executive. The 3rd Vice-President position will remain unfilled until the 2019 UBCM Convention is held and new elections are held, at that time, for the filling of the entire 2019-20 UBCM Executive

For the full list of the 2018-19 UBCM Executive - click here

Congratulations to Director McGregor and Councillor Moglove!!


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