Monday, January 7, 2019

Arts, culture grants available to support community resiliency

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

Grant applications are now open for arts and cultural submissions designed to bring healing to people and communities in response to environmental, social and economic hardships.

This grant program was developed with a focus on cultural revitalization within Indigenous communities in response to the devastating wildfire season and government’s commitment to uphold the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples.

“The celebration of arts and culture is a powerful tool in lifting people’s spirits and helping people connect and rebuild as a community in difficult times,” said the Hon. Lisa Beare, BC's Minister of Tourism, Arts and Culture. “I am thrilled that we are able to once again provide grants to communities to help British Columbians find strength and joy through the arts and their unique culture.”

Organizations and communities are encouraged to apply for grants through oral or written submissions through the website listed below. The application deadline is Feb. 15, 2019.

Launched in February 2018, the Community Resilience Through Arts and Culture program provides grants ranging from $2,500 to $15,000 to help fund events, programs, celebrations and initiatives that use arts and culture to foster community connection and resiliency.

Quick Facts:

The Community Resilience Through Arts and Culture grants support Article 31 of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples regarding the rights of Indigenous peoples to maintain, control, protect and develop their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge and traditional cultural expressions.

The objectives of the program are to empower communities experiencing hardship to leverage the proven benefits of arts and culture to:

promote individual well-being;
foster social cohesion, connection, inclusion and engagement;
encourage resilience, sustainability and community pride; and
diversify local economies.

Last year, 61 grants totalling $535,000 were awarded in 55 communities. Projects supported included community arts and culture celebrations, Indigenous cultural camps, film festivals, concerts, youth murals, festivals, community feasts, photography and video series, original books, Elder cultural workshops, performances, documentaries and Indigenous dance troupes.

Learn More:

For more information about the community resilience program, visit:

A list of previously funded projects can be found here:

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