Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Provincial/Federal Happy New Year 2019 Messages

From the Hon. John Horgan - Premier of BC:

“The beginning of a new year is a time to look forward to all the opportunities that lie ahead of us, while taking stock of the accomplishments and challenges of the past year. We resolve to do better. We set new goals.

“Looking back on 2018, this government made investing in people a priority. We’ve been tackling the housing crisis, delivering affordable child care and making sure there is quality health care for everyone who needs it. We also introduced the CleanBC climate action plan to put B.C. on the path to a cleaner, better future, while creating jobs and opportunities for all British Columbians.

“This coming year, our government will continue to put people first. Many more affordable housing initiatives throughout the province will open or break ground. All 10 urgent primary health-care centres will be operational and welcoming patients by the spring. We will also see families continue to benefit from the Affordable Child Care Benefit and fee reductions.

“In 2019, we will continue creating a strong, sustainable economy that benefits everyone, to make life more affordable for families and to improve the services people rely on.

“On behalf of the Government of British Columbia, I wish you all a Happy New Year!”
From the Rt. Hon. Justin Trudeau - Prime Minister of Canada:

Happy New Year, everyone!

“As we come together with family and friends, I want to thank you. Every success and milestone our country celebrates today, we’re able to celebrate because of you.

“It’s your hard work, your ambition, and all your acts of perseverance and kindness that change lives and our country for the better.

“Thanks to you, we’re heading into 2019 with the lowest unemployment rate in over 40 years. Wages are up and, today, 800,000 more people are working than in 2015.

“Together, we negotiated a new NAFTA – and got a good deal for Canada – so that Canadians can count on well-paying jobs, and our businesses can count on the access they need to expand and thrive.

“We hosted the G7 and, while there, got leaders of the world to commit $3.8 billion to supporting women and girls’ education in crisis and conflict situations – the largest investment of its kind ever made. We also launched the Ocean Plastics Charter, a historic initiative to eradicate plastic pollution and protect our oceans.

“At home, we have a lot to celebrate: from the introduction of Canada’s first national accessibility law, to the single largest investment in discovery science in Canadian history, to the biggest private sector investment project our country has ever seen.

“Together, we’ll keep the momentum going. We’ll continue to open the door to new markets, build on progress toward real, meaningful reconciliation with Indigenous peoples, and create more jobs while protecting the environment.

“Starting today, small businesses in Canada will benefit from a combined federal-provincial-territorial average income tax rate of 12.2 per cent – the lowest in the G7. It will also no longer be free to pollute anywhere in Canada, as we put a price on pollution to cut emissions and fight climate change.

“Our government’s resolution is to stay focused on you, and every Canadian who works hard, day in, day out, to make tomorrow better than yesterday, and this year better than the last.

“On behalf of the Government of Canada, Sophie and I wish you and your loved ones a wonderful night and health, peace, and happiness for 2019.”

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