Monday, January 7, 2019

Share BC - A Citizens' Coalition for Sustainable Resource Development

Back on December 18th, 2018 -- a citizen-led coalition for sustainable resource development called Share BC was formed and a Facebook page created -- click here

Now - this Wednesday in Kamloops, they will be hosting a "brown bag" lunch outside the Coast Hotel there where Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau will be holding a "$300 a plate" fundraiser for the Liberal Party of Canada. Kamloops blogger (and my uncle) Alan Forseth writes on this event here

Sustainable Resource Development has been a country wide and province wide discussion for many, many years and for a variety of reasons, seems to be divisive and project by project, rather than a rational discussion.  I personally don't have a magic bullet for a solution but I imagine we will be continuing to discuss this topic for many years to come, as both sides (for and against) continue to push their views aggressively.....


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