Thursday, February 28, 2019

2019 Quesnel Budget Survey Results

Courtesy of the City of Quesnel:

2019 is the second year the City of Quesnel has used an online survey as their main source of community engagement regarding the City budget. This year, 544 people participated in the budget survey compared to only 116 participants in 2018. The survey was accessible online or by paper at City Hall from January 16 through January 30, 2019. Community input allows Staff and Council to align the budget with the community’s priorities.
In 2018, the City worked hard to bring better services and improvements to residents, while also finding ways to save money. Overall, respondents were satisfied with 2018 City projects which included Patchett Street Playground replacement (to be finished in 2019), Skate Board Park expansion, replacement of the Pinecrest Water Main along Hwy 97 N, and the Reid Street revitalization, which was $600,000 under budget.
Out of the many services the City provides, the survey respondents would like the City to prioritize policing, economic development and road and sidewalks services. The City has many actions, within these services, planned for 2019.
In February 2019, City Council formally requested two additional permanent RCMP officers for the Quesnel Detachment. The two additional officers would allow the Quesnel Detachment to focus more on specific issues impacting our community.
In 2019, the City will be implementing the Economic Development Transition Strategy which focuses on Destination Development, Innovative Resource Industries, and Resident and Investment Retention and Attraction. Residents will be able to participate in consultation of the Waterfront Development Plan, see an increase of marking materials through the Explore Quesnel platforms and watch for new wayfinding signage throughout the community.
In 2019, approximately $750,000 will be spent on road rehabilitation and paving and approximately $177,000 will be spent on replacing sidewalks. Locations will be determined closer to spring.
With policing being the top priority for respondents, the majority would be willing to fund additional RCMP officers. 84% of respondents would be will to fund 1 or more officers with the majority preferring a tax increase over a City service decrease in order to fund the additional officers.
In past years, the City has struggled to receive budget feedback from the public. Residents were invited to evening town halls to provide feedback on the City’s budget, but only a few residents attended. Since the City introduced the budget survey, the City has received more participation than the previous town halls. The City plans to keep using the survey process for budget feedback, but will always try to make improvements to it.
To comment on the budget throughout the year or to learn more about the City’s budget process, visit
View a summary of the survey results here:

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