Friday, February 8, 2019

Cariboo RD Board Highlights - Feb 8th mtg

Present: Chair M. Wagner/Vice-Chair J. Massier and Directors M. Sjostrom, B. Bachmeier, S. Forseth, A. Delainey, J. Sorley, A. Richmond, J. Glassford, G. Kirby, C. Mernett, W. Macdonald, G. Fourchalk, B. Simpson, W.Cobb (10:13am) and M. Campsall

Meeting called to order at 9:45am

Meeting Agenda adopted

Minutes of the Special Cariboo RD Board Meeting held January 17th, 2019 and the Regular Cariboo RD Board Meeting held January 18th, 2019 were both received/adopted

The Board received the Memorandum of Business - Delegations, as of Feb 8th, 2019


Development Services:

1) Following a Public Hearing - the Board gave 3rd Reading to South Cariboo Official Community Plan Amendment Bylaw No. 5176, 2018 and South Cariboo Area Zoning Amendment Bylaw No. 5177, 2018 (Bazan/Area 'L')

2) Following a Public Hearing - the Board gave 3rd Reading to Central Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5182, 2018 (Fosbery/Austin - Area 'E')

3) Following a Public Hearing - the Board gave 3rd Reading/Adoption to South Cariboo Official Community Plan, Bylaw No. 5171, 2018 (Areas G, H, L)

4) The Board adopted North Cariboo Area Rural Land Use Amendment Bylaw No. 5132, 2018 (Fouty/Area 'I')

5) The Board received the Building Statistics Report, Municipalities Building Statistics Report and the Inspection Activity Report for December 2018

Environmental Services:

1) The Board agreed to an additional financial commitment of $225,000, plus $25,000 contingency from Community Works Funds to enable completion of the Lexington Water System capital project (Area 'F')

2) The Board received the Refuse Site Inspection Report for October 31, 2018 to December 31, 2018

3) The Board directed Staff to proceed with an petition to seek elector consent to establish a Willoughby Place Streetlighting Service

4) The Board received the 2018 Invasive Plant Management Annual Report

Meeting recessed at 10:23am
Meeting resumed at 10:30am


Breanne Whyte, Community Engagement Lead for Steelhead LNG, and Corey Goulet, VP, Pipeline for Steelhead, appeared before the Board to present information regarding the development of a proposed natural gas pipeline project from northeastern BC to Vancouver Island.

A Question/Answer period ensued

The Chair, on behalf of the Board, thanked the delegation for their time/information

Meeting recessed at 10:57am to CCRHD Board
Meeting resumed at 1:00pm

Business, cont:

Community Services:

1) The Board endorsed the following NDIT Applications for submission to NDIT's Cariboo-Chilcotin-Lillioet Regional Advisory Committee for consideration:

a) Alexis Creek Outdoor Arena
b) Williams Lake Cycling Club - Firefox Upgrade
c) Business Façade Improvement Program 2019
d) CCCTA, Gold Rush Trail Purpose Driven Marketing Project


1) The Board received/endorsed the CRD Corporate Communications Plan, as submitted


1) The Board considered the following Grant for Assistance applications (Year Round Intake) as follows:

a) Junior Cadet Society of BC - receive only
b) Mile 108 PAC - $1,000 from Area 'G'
c) South Cariboo Sustainability Society - receive only
d) Williams Lake Cross Country Ski Club - $1,000 split equally between Areas D, E, F
e) Cataline Elementary School PAC - receive only
f) Williams Lake Pride Society - $1,000 from Areas 'E', 'F' and 'L'

2) The Board endorsed a recommendation from its' Chief Administrative Officer to direct staff to amend the 2019 Administration Financial Plan to include $7,000 for payment of 50% of the fees associated with use of the Cariboo Memorial Complex for the 2019 NCLGA Convention


1) The Board received a request from Director B. Bachmeier (Area 'B') to discuss the Procedure Bylaw provisions' to participate in a meeting electronically and agreed to refer the Board's Procedure Bylaw to the Policy Committee for review

2) The Board received a report of the Deputy Corporate Officer/Executive Assistant in respect of the Cariboo RD's regional representative to the NCLGA Board

3) The Board agreed to appoint Directors Delainey/Sorley/Kirby to the Central Cariboo Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel which will convene on 2:00 p.m. on February 27, 2019 & appoint Directors Sjostrom/Glassford/Simpson to the North Cariboo Parcel Tax Roll Review Panel which will convene on 10:30 a.m. on February 26, 2019

4) The Board approved submission of an 2019 NCLGA Resolution, as amended, in respect of a cannabis excise tax revenue sharing agreement with the Province of British Columbia

Resolved - That Staff bring forward an NCLGA Resolution to the March 1st Board Meeting concerning Fire Inspection for Public Buildings in Electoral Areas

5) The Board received the following NCLGA/UBCM/FCM Member Items:

a) Peace River Regional District - Caribou Recovery Update to UBCM Resolution B116
b) District of New Hazelton - Northern BC Tourism Association

Committee or Commission Minutes/Recommendations:

1) The Board received the following Committee or Commission Minutes from previous meetings, as follows:

a) Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes - November 28, 2018 (correction to previous minutes and amend Board Resolution accordingly)
b) South Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes - January 14, 2019
c) South Cariboo Joint Committee Minutes - January 14, 2019
d) Central Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes - January 15, 2019
e) North Cariboo Rural Directors Caucus Minutes - January 15, 2019
f) Central Cariboo Joint Committee Minutes - January 23, 2019
g) Emergency Preparedness Committee Minutes - January 25, 2019

2) The Board endorsed recommendations from the above noted meetings, as follows:

a) South Cariboo Appointments for 2019 - South Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 14th, 2019 meeting)
b) Social Planning Council of Williams Lake GFA Application - Central Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 15th, 2019 meeting) - Refer back to Central Cariboo Rural Directors' Caucus -- Director Forseth opposed
c) Central Cariboo Appointments for 2019 - Central Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 15th, 2019 meeting)
d) Williams Lake Fringe Fire Agreement/Extension - Central Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 15th, 2019 meeting)

Director Bachmeier declared a conflict of interest on the next item and left the Boardroom at 2:26pm

e) Bouchie Lake Rural Crime Watch Grant for Assistance Application - North Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 15th, 2019 meeting) Waive Policy/Approve $2,813.72 from Area B Grant for Assistance fund

f) NC Agricultural Development Advisory Committee/Budget Allocation Request - North Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 15th, 2019 meeting)
g) Quesnel Search and Rescue Society Contribution Increase Request - North Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 15th, 2019 meeting)

Director Bachmeier returned to the Boardroom at 2:42pm

h) Accessibility and Advisory Committee of Quesnel/Invitation to Participate in Meetings (Dir Sjostrom) - North Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 15th, 2019 meeting)

i) Procurement of CRD Meeting Space in the North Cariboo - North Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 15th, 2019 meeting)
j) Quesnel Airport Advisory Committee appointment (Director Glassford)- North Cariboo Rural Caucus (Jan 15th, 2019 meeting)
k) Williams Lake Daybreak Rotary Club - Support Request for Bike Bridge in WL River Valley -- Central Cariboo Joint Committee (Jan 23rd, 2019 meeting)

l) Alexis Creek Outdoor Arena Project/Cariboo Strong Funding - Central Cariboo Joint Committee (Jan 23rd, 2019 meeting)
m) Invitation to BC Hydro to Attend CRD Board Meeting - Central Cariboo Joint Committee (Jan 23rd, 2019 meeting)
n) Priority Actions Status Update for January 2019 - Emergency Preparedness Committee (Jan 25th, 2019 meeting)
o) UBCM 2019 CEPF Application/Emergency Operations Centres and Training - Emergency Preparedness Committee (Jan 25th, 2019 meeting)

Directors' Requests:

1) The Board received a report of Director Forseth (Area 'D') concerning an update on Community Energy Association EV Charging Stations

2) The Board received a request of Director Forseth concerning Rural Mailbox Break-Ins in Area 'D' and directed a letter be forwarded to Canada Post requesting an update on replacement of the damaged rural mailboxes with a copy of the letter to be forwarded to Cariboo-PG MP Todd Doherty and Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo MP Cathy MacLeod

3)  The Board received requests from Directors Sjostrom, Forseth and Sorley (Areas A, D and F) in regards to 2019 NCLGA Resolutions as follows:

a) Lack of Pilots across small airline market (Dir Forseth - Area D)
b) Emergency Social Services Consistency for Level 3 events across BC (Dir Sorley - Area F)
c) Funding for Staffing in Regional Fire Centres where wildfires are located (Dir Glassford - Area I)
d) Fire Mitigation Planning on Transportation Corridors (Dir Glassford - Area I)

and the Board directed Staff to prepare NCLGA Resolutions accordingly

Chair's Report:

1) The Board received a written report of the Chair's activities up to Feb 5th, 2019.

Meeting recessed at 3:44pm
Meeting resumed at 3:50pm

Closed Board Session:

At 3:50pm -- the Board convened an In-Camera Session as per Section 90(1a - appointment) of the Community Charter

Resume Open Board Session:

At 4:43pm - the Board resumed its public meeting and adjourned

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