Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Committee of the Whole Session (WL Council) - Feb 5th mtg

Present: Mayor W. Cobb (Chair); Councillors S. Boehm, M. Brenner, S. Nelson, J. Ryll and C. Smith

Agenda approved/Minutes of the Committee of the Whole meeting held Jan 22nd/2019 was received/approved


Representatives from the Williams Lake Farmers' Market appeared before the Committee to discuss holding an additional market on Tuesdays from 3:00pm to 7:00pm for the 2019 market season, erect a permanent on site market sign, and permit the market to utilize an on-site cargo trailer instead of the previously approved storage shed

Discussion ensued thereon

The Chair, on behalf of the Committee, thanked the delegation for their time and information

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

That the request of the Williams Lake Farmer's Market to hold an additional market on Tuesdays from 3:00pm to 7:00pm for the 2019 market season, erect a permanent on site market sign, and permit the market to utilize an on-site cargo trailer instead of the previously approved storage shed, be received and Staff work with the Williams Lake Farmers' Market on these items...


1) Building Bylaw Update

The report of the Director of Municipal Services (G. Muraca) was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

That pursuant to the report of the Director of Municipal Services dated January 24, 2019, Council accept the changes to the building bylaw as presented and "City of Williams Lake Building Bylaw No. 2274, 2019" and "City of Williams Lake Bylaw Enforcement Amendment Bylaw No. 2302, 2019" be brought forward for the required readings

2) Late Item - Williams Lake Transit

The report of the Director of Development Services (L. Hartley) was presented to the Committee
Discussion ensued thereon

Resolved - That the Committee recommend to Council:

That pursuant to the report of the Director of Development Services dated February 4, 2019, Council direct BC Transit to amend the three year Annual Operating Agreement as follows:

* Additional dollars for Taxi Supplements
* Improvements to Transit Infrastructure, as discussed at Committee of the Whole

With no further business - the Committee agreed to adjourn

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