Monday, March 4, 2019

BC Search and Rescue Volunteer Memorial Day

Courtesy of the Government of BC:

The Hon. Mike Farnworth - BC's Minister of Public Safety and Solicitor General, has issued the following statement on Search and Rescue Volunteer Memorial Day 2019:

“Today, we pay tribute to the selfless dedication of thousands of search and rescue volunteers in British Columbia, to the people who risk their own lives and brave the elements to bring people to safety.

“We are incredibly blessed to have access to the mountains, valleys, lakes and rivers that make up British Columbia’s majestic natural beauty, and are equally blessed to have thousands of dedicated people willing to help when things go wrong in the wilderness. These volunteers invest countless hours to train and respond to people in need, regardless of time, temperature or season, through the BC Search and Rescue Association, Royal Canadian Marine Search and Rescue and PEP Air (Provincial Emergency Program Air).

“Today is about recognizing the incredible work of search and rescue volunteers from across British Columbia, and to remember those who died in the line of duty, who lost their own lives while trying to save the lives of others.

“When it comes to recognizing the sacrifice, tenacity and public service commitment of search and rescue volunteers and their families, a simple thank you is simply not adequate. We are forever indebted to the heroic measures this community constantly takes to keep people safe.

“The memory of those who died while in the service of others will live on today and every day through the people who continue to generously devote their time and energy to the safety of the people of B.C.

“I would like to invite all British Columbians to recognize Search and Rescue Volunteer Memorial Day by thinking about those selfless volunteers who have lost their lives, their loved ones and their extraordinary service to the people and province of British Columbia.”

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