Thursday, March 28, 2019

CRD developing a dedicated Emergency Operations Centre

Courtesy of the Cariboo Regional District:

The Cariboo Regional District (CRD) is expanding its Williams Lake office to incorporate a dedicated Emergency Operations Centre (EOC). Renovations will be underway this spring with the new EOC expected to be ready by the summer.

“Having an area dedicated for our Emergency Operations Centre will improve our business continuity and help us run our emergency response more effectively,” explains CRD's Chief Administrative Officer John MacLean. “Now, emergencies won’t take over the rest of our office or conflict with our regular business.”

“Our Protective Services department will have their offices in the new space and, when the rest of it isn’t being used for an EOC activation, we will be able to use it for additional work spaces and meeting rooms.”

The new EOC will be in the location the CRD currently rents to Raymond James Ltd, adjacent to the CRD Williams Lake office. The area will be redeveloped with staff offices, a large multi-purpose meeting room, expandable breakout rooms and will be connected to the rest of the CRD’s office space.

The CRD also received a $25,000 grant from UBCM’s Community Emergency Preparedness Fund to support the continued improvement of the Emergency Operations Centre. The funding will be used for portable display and conference equipment and a new mapping printer.

All the work on the new EOC will be completed by local contractors. Lauren Bros Construction Ltd. will be managing the project and hiring local sub-contractors. Harrison Design was contracted to design the new space.

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